
Class Index [+]





(Not documented)


(Not documented)

Public Class Methods

new(arguments) click to toggle source

(Not documented)

    # File lib/mcollective/matcher/scanner.rb, line 6
 6:       def initialize(arguments)
 7:         @token_index = 0
 8:         @arguments = arguments.split("")
 9:         @seperation_counter = 0
10:         @white_spaces = 0
11:       end

Public Instance Methods

get_token() click to toggle source

Scans the input string and identifies single language tokens

    # File lib/mcollective/matcher/scanner.rb, line 14
14:       def get_token
15:         if @token_index >= @arguments.size
16:           return nil
17:         end
19:         case @arguments[@token_index]
20:         when "("
21:           return "(", "("
23:         when ")"
24:           return ")", ")"
26:         when "n"
27:           if (@arguments[@token_index + 1] == "o") && (@arguments[@token_index + 2] == "t") && ((@arguments[@token_index + 3] == " ") || (@arguments[@token_index + 3] == "("))
28:             @token_index += 2
29:             return "not", "not"
30:           else
31:             gen_statement
32:           end
34:         when "!"
35:           return "not", "not"
37:         when "a"
38:           if (@arguments[@token_index + 1] == "n") && (@arguments[@token_index + 2] == "d") && ((@arguments[@token_index + 3] == " ") || (@arguments[@token_index + 3] == "("))
39:             @token_index += 2
40:             return "and", "and"
41:           else
42:             gen_statement
43:           end
45:         when "o"
46:           if (@arguments[@token_index + 1] == "r") && ((@arguments[@token_index + 2] == " ") || (@arguments[@token_index + 2] == "("))
47:             @token_index += 1
48:             return "or", "or"
49:           else
50:             gen_statement
51:           end
53:         when " "
54:           return " ", " "
56:         else
57:           gen_statement
58:         end
59:       end

Private Instance Methods

gen_statement() click to toggle source

Helper generates a statement token

     # File lib/mcollective/matcher/scanner.rb, line 63
 63:       def gen_statement
 64:         func = false
 65:         current_token_value = ""
 66:         j = @token_index
 68:         begin
 69:           if (@arguments[j] == "/")
 70:             begin
 71:               current_token_value << @arguments[j]
 72:               j += 1
 73:             end until (j >= @arguments.size) || (@arguments[j] =~ /\s/)
 74:           elsif (@arguments[j] =~ /=|<|>/)
 75:             while !(@arguments[j] =~ /=|<|>/)
 76:               current_token_value << @arguments[j]
 77:               j += 1
 78:             end
 80:             current_token_value << @arguments[j]
 81:             j += 1
 83:             if @arguments[j] == "/"
 84:               begin
 85:                 current_token_value << @arguments[j]
 86:                 j += 1
 87:                 if @arguments[j] == "/"
 88:                   current_token_value << "/"
 89:                   break
 90:                 end
 91:               end until (j >= @arguments.size) || (@arguments[j] =~ /\//)
 92:             else
 93:               while (j < @arguments.size) && ((@arguments[j] != " ") && (@arguments[j] != ")"))
 94:                 current_token_value << @arguments[j]
 95:                 j += 1
 96:               end
 97:             end
 98:           else
 99:             begin
100:               # Identify and tokenize regular expressions by ignoring everything between /'s
101:               if @arguments[j] == '/'
102:                 current_token_value << '/'
103:                 j+=1
104:                 while(j < @arguments.size && @arguments[j] != '/')
105:                   current_token_value << @arguments[j]
106:                   j += 1
107:                 end
108:                 current_token_value << @arguments[j] if @arguments[j]
109:                 break
110:               end
111:               if @arguments[j+1] == "("
112:                 func = true
113:                 be_greedy = true
114:               end
115:               current_token_value << @arguments[j]
116:               if be_greedy
117:                 while !(j+1 >= @arguments.size) && @arguments[j] != ')'
118:                   j += 1
119:                   current_token_value << @arguments[j]
120:                 end
121:                 j += 1
122:                 be_greedy = false
123:               else
124:                 j += 1
125:               end
126:               if(@arguments[j] == ' ')
127:                 break if(is_klass?(j) && !(@arguments[j-1] =~ /=|<|>/))
128:               end
129:               if( (@arguments[j] == ' ') && (@seperation_counter < 2) && !(current_token_value.match(/^.+(=|<|>).+$/)) )
130:                 if((index = lookahead(j)))
131:                   j = index
132:                 end
133:               end
134:             end until (j >= @arguments.size) || (@arguments[j] =~ /\s|\)/)
135:             @seperation_counter = 0
136:           end
137:         rescue Exception => e
138:           raise "An exception was raised while trying to tokenize '#{current_token_value} - #{e}'"
139:         end
141:         @token_index += current_token_value.size + @white_spaces - 1
142:         @white_spaces = 0
144:         # bar(
145:         if current_token_value.match(/.+?\($/)
146:           return "bad_token", [@token_index - current_token_value.size + 1, @token_index]
147:         # /foo/=bar
148:         elsif current_token_value.match(/^\/.+?\/(<|>|=).+/)
149:           return "bad_token", [@token_index - current_token_value.size + 1, @token_index]
150:         elsif current_token_value.match(/^.+?\/(<|>|=).+/)
151:           return "bad_token", [@token_index - current_token_value.size + 1, @token_index]
152:         else
153:           if func
154:             if current_token_value.match(/^.+?\((\s*(')[^']*(')\s*(,\s*(')[^']*('))*)?\)(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)?((!=|<=|>=|=|>|<).+)?$/) ||
155:               current_token_value.match(/^.+?\((\s*(")[^"]*(")\s*(,\s*(")[^"]*("))*)?\)(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)?((!=|<=|>=|=|>|<).+)?$/)
156:               return "fstatement", current_token_value
157:             else
158:               return "bad_token", [@token_index - current_token_value.size + 1, @token_index]
159:             end
160:           else
161:             slash_err = false
162:             current_token_value.split('').each do |c|
163:               if c == '/'
164:                 slash_err = !slash_err
165:               end
166:             end
167:             return "bad_token", [@token_index - current_token_value.size + 1, @token_index] if slash_err
168:             return "statement", current_token_value
169:           end
170:         end
171:       end
is_klass?(j) click to toggle source

Deal with special puppet class statement

     # File lib/mcollective/matcher/scanner.rb, line 174
174:       def is_klass?(j)
175:         while(j < @arguments.size && @arguments[j] == ' ')
176:           j += 1
177:         end
179:         if @arguments[j] =~ /=|<|>/
180:           return false
181:         else
182:           return true
183:         end
184:       end
lookahead(index) click to toggle source

Eat spaces while looking for the next comparison symbol

     # File lib/mcollective/matcher/scanner.rb, line 187
187:       def lookahead(index)
188:         index += 1
189:         while(index <= @arguments.size)
190:           @white_spaces += 1
191:           unless(@arguments[index] =~ /\s/)
192:             @seperation_counter +=1
193:             return index
194:           end
195:           index += 1
196:         end
197:         return nil
198:       end

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