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This is a class that gives access to the configured fact provider such as MCollectives::Facts::Facter that uses Reductive Labs facter

The actual provider is pluggable and configurable using the ‘factsource’ configuration option.

To develop a new factsource simply create a class under MCollective::Facts:: and provide the following classes:


You can also just inherit from MCollective::Facts::Base and provide just the


method that should return a hash of facts.

Public Class Methods

[](fact) click to toggle source

Get the value of a fact

    # File lib/mcollective/facts.rb, line 35
35:     def self.[](fact)
36:       PluginManager["facts_plugin"].get_fact(fact)
37:     end
get_fact(fact) click to toggle source

Get the value of a fact

    # File lib/mcollective/facts.rb, line 30
30:     def self.get_fact(fact)
31:       PluginManager["facts_plugin"].get_fact(fact)
32:     end
has_fact?(fact, value) click to toggle source

True if we know of a specific fact else false

    # File lib/mcollective/facts.rb, line 25
25:     def self.has_fact?(fact, value)
26:       PluginManager["facts_plugin"].get_fact(fact) == value ? true : false
27:     end

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