
Class Index [+]





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(Not documented)

Public Class Methods

new(ddl) click to toggle source

(Not documented)

    # File lib/mcollective/aggregate.rb, line 8
 8:     def initialize(ddl)
 9:       @functions = []
10:       @ddl = ddl
11:       @action = ddl[:action]
12:       @failed = []
14:       create_functions
15:     end

Public Instance Methods

call_functions(reply) click to toggle source

Call all the appropriate functions with the reply data received from RPC::Client

    # File lib/mcollective/aggregate.rb, line 45
45:     def call_functions(reply)
46:       @functions.each do |function|
47:         Log.debug("Calling aggregate function #{function} for result")
48:         begin
49:           function.process_result(reply[:data][function.output_name], reply)
50:         rescue Exception => e
51:           Log.error("Could not process aggregate function for '#{function.output_name}'. #{e.to_s}")
52:           @failed << {:name => function.output_name, :type => :process_result}
53:           @functions.delete(function)
54:         end
55:       end
56:     end
contains_output?(output) click to toggle source

Check if the function param is defined as an output for the action in the ddl

    # File lib/mcollective/aggregate.rb, line 40
40:     def contains_output?(output)
41:       @ddl[:output].keys.include?(output)
42:     end
create_functions() click to toggle source

Creates instances of the Aggregate functions and stores them in the function array. All aggregate call and summarize method calls operate on these function as a batch.

    # File lib/mcollective/aggregate.rb, line 19
19:     def create_functions
20:       @ddl[:aggregate].each_with_index do |agg, i|
21:         output = agg[:args][0]
23:         if contains_output?(output)
24:           arguments = agg[:args][1]
25:           format = (arguments.delete(:format) if arguments) || nil
26:           begin
27:             @functions << load_function(agg[:function]).new(output, arguments, format, @action)
28:           rescue Exception => e
29:             Log.error("Cannot create aggregate function '#{output}'. #{e.to_s}")
30:             @failed << {:name => output, :type => :startup}
31:           end
32:         else
33:           Log.error("Cannot create aggregate function '#{output}'. '#{output}' has not been specified as a valid ddl output.")
34:           @failed << {:name => output, :type => :create}
35:         end
36:       end
37:     end
load_function(function_name) click to toggle source

Loads function from disk for use

    # File lib/mcollective/aggregate.rb, line 76
76:     def load_function(function_name)
77:       function_name = function_name.to_s.capitalize
79:       PluginManager.loadclass("MCollective::Aggregate::#{function_name}") unless Aggregate.const_defined?(function_name)
80:       Aggregate.const_get(function_name)
81:     rescue Exception
82:       raise "Aggregate function file '#{function_name.downcase}.rb' cannot be loaded"
83:     end
summarize() click to toggle source

Finalizes the function returning a result object

    # File lib/mcollective/aggregate.rb, line 59
59:     def summarize
60:       summary = do |function|
61:         begin
62:           function.summarize
63:         rescue Exception => e
64:           Log.error("Could not summarize aggregate result for '#{function.output_name}'. #{e.to_s}")
65:           @failed << {:name => function.output_name, :type => :summarize}
66:           nil
67:         end
68:       end
70:       summary.reject{|x| x.nil?}.sort do |x,y|
71:         x.result[:output] <=> y.result[:output]
72:       end
73:     end

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