#!/bin/sh ROOT=${1:-/dev/root} fail() { echo "growroot: FAIL:" "$@" 1>&2; exit 1; } msg() { echo "$@"; } # figure out what disk ROOT is on { [ ! -L "${ROOT}" ] && rootdev=${ROOT} || rootdev=$(readlink -f "${ROOT}") ; } || fail "failed to get target of link for ${ROOT}" case "${rootdev}" in *[0-9]) : ;; # the root is a disk, not a partition (does not end in a digit) # no need to do anything in this case, kernel already knows the full size. *) exit 0;; esac # remove all consective numbers from the end of rootdev to get 'rootdisk' rootdisk=${rootdev} while [ "${rootdisk%[0-9]}" != "${rootdisk}" ]; do rootdisk=${rootdisk%[0-9]}; done partnum=${rootdev#${rootdisk}} # if the basename of the root device (ie 'xvda1' or 'sda1') exists # in /sys/block/ then it is a block device, not a partition # (xen xvda1 is an example of such a funny named block device) [ -e "/sys/block/${rootdev##*/}" ] && exit 0 # if growpart fails, exit. its failure messages should go # to stderr, so they'll get to the console out=$(growpart "${rootdisk}" "${partnum}") ret=$? # if growpart output starts with 'CHANGED:' then it did something. # anything else, exit case "$ret" in 0|1) echo "GROWROOT: $out";; *) echo "$out"; exit $ret;; esac # write to /etc/grownroot-grown. { date --utc > "${rootmnt}/etc/growroot-grown" ; } >/dev/null 2>&1 || : # vi: ts=4 noexpandtab