#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'mcollective' Version = MCollective.version known_applications = MCollective::Applications.list # links from mc-ping to mc will result in ping being run if $0 =~ /mc\-([a-zA-Z\-_\.]+)$/ app_name = $1 else app_name = ARGV.first ARGV.delete_at(0) end if known_applications.include?(app_name) # make sure the various options classes shows the right help etc $0 = app_name MCollective::Applications.run(app_name) else puts "The Marionette Collective version #{MCollective.version}" puts puts "usage: #{$0} command " puts puts "Known commands:" puts known_applications.sort.uniq.in_groups_of(3) do |apps| puts " %-20s %-20s %-20s" % [apps[0], apps[1], apps[2]] end puts puts "Type '#{$0} help' for a detailed list of commands and '#{$0} help command'" puts "to get detailed help for a command" puts end