# Reference ## Table of Contents **Classes** _Public Classes_ * [`apt`](#apt): Main class, includes all other classes. * [`apt::backports`](#aptbackports): Manages backports. _Private Classes_ * `apt::params`: Provides defaults for the Apt module parameters. * `apt::update`: Updates the list of available packages using apt-get update. **Defined types** * [`apt::conf`](#aptconf): Specifies a custom Apt configuration file. * [`apt::key`](#aptkey): Manages the GPG keys that Apt uses to authenticate packages. * [`apt::mark`](#aptmark): defined typeapt::mark * [`apt::pin`](#aptpin): Manages Apt pins. Does not trigger an apt-get update run. * [`apt::ppa`](#aptppa): Manages PPA repositories using `add-apt-repository`. Not supported on Debian. * [`apt::setting`](#aptsetting): Manages Apt configuration files. * [`apt::source`](#aptsource): Manages the Apt sources in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/. **Resource types** _Public Resource types_ _Private Resource types_ * `apt_key`: This type provides Puppet with the capabilities to manage GPG keys needed by apt to perform package validation. Apt has it's own GPG keyring that can be manipulated through the `apt-key` command. **Data types** * [`Apt::Auth_conf_entry`](#aptauth_conf_entry): Login configuration settings that are recorded in the file `/etc/apt/auth.conf`. * [`Apt::Proxy`](#aptproxy): Configures Apt to connect to a proxy server. **Tasks** * [`init`](#init): Allows you to perform apt functions ## Classes ### apt Main class, includes all other classes. * **See also** https://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/latest/function.html#createresources for the create resource function #### Parameters The following parameters are available in the `apt` class. ##### `provider` Data type: `String` Specifies the provider that should be used by apt::update. Default value: $apt::params::provider ##### `keyserver` Data type: `String` Specifies a keyserver to provide the GPG key. Valid options: a string containing a domain name or a full URL (http://, https://, or hkp://). Default value: $apt::params::keyserver ##### `key_options` Data type: `Optional[String]` Specifies the default options for apt::key resources. Default value: $apt::params::key_options ##### `ppa_options` Data type: `Optional[String]` Supplies options to be passed to the `add-apt-repository` command. Default value: $apt::params::ppa_options ##### `ppa_package` Data type: `Optional[String]` Names the package that provides the `apt-add-repository` command. Default value: $apt::params::ppa_package ##### `backports` Data type: `Optional[Hash]` Specifies some of the default parameters used by apt::backports. Valid options: a hash made up from the following keys: Options: * **:location** `String`: See apt::backports for documentation. * **:repos** `String`: See apt::backports for documentation. * **:key** `String`: See apt::backports for documentation. Default value: $apt::params::backports ##### `confs` Data type: `Hash` Creates new `apt::conf` resources. Valid options: a hash to be passed to the create_resources function linked above. Default value: $apt::params::confs ##### `update` Data type: `Hash` Configures various update settings. Valid options: a hash made up from the following keys: Options: * **:frequency** `String`: Specifies how often to run `apt-get update`. If the exec resource `apt_update` is notified, `apt-get update` runs regardless of this value. Valid options: 'always' (at every Puppet run); 'daily' (if the value of `apt_update_last_success` is less than current epoch time minus 86400); 'weekly' (if the value of `apt_update_last_success` is less than current epoch time minus 604800); and 'reluctantly' (only if the exec resource `apt_update` is notified). Default: 'reluctantly'. * **:loglevel** `Integer`: Specifies the log level of logs outputted to the console. Default: undef. * **:timeout** `Integer`: Specifies how long to wait for the update to complete before canceling it. Valid options: an integer, in seconds. Default: undef. * **:tries** `Integer`: Specifies how many times to retry the update after receiving a DNS or HTTP error. Default: undef. Default value: $apt::params::update ##### `purge` Data type: `Hash` Specifies whether to purge any existing settings that aren't managed by Puppet. Valid options: a hash made up from the following keys: Options: * **:sources.list** `Boolean`: Specifies whether to purge any unmanaged entries from sources.list. Default false. * **:sources.list.d** `Boolean`: Specifies whether to purge any unmanaged entries from sources.list.d. Default false. * **:preferences** `Boolean`: Specifies whether to purge any unmanaged entries from preferences. Default false. * **:preferences.d.** `Boolean`: Specifies whether to purge any unmanaged entries from preferences.d. Default false. Default value: $apt::params::purge ##### `proxy` Data type: `Apt::Proxy` Configures Apt to connect to a proxy server. Valid options: a hash matching the locally defined type apt::proxy. Default value: $apt::params::proxy ##### `sources` Data type: `Hash` Creates new `apt::source` resources. Valid options: a hash to be passed to the create_resources function linked above. Default value: $apt::params::sources ##### `keys` Data type: `Hash` Creates new `apt::key` resources. Valid options: a hash to be passed to the create_resources function linked above. Default value: $apt::params::keys ##### `ppas` Data type: `Hash` Creates new `apt::ppa` resources. Valid options: a hash to be passed to the create_resources function linked above. Default value: $apt::params::ppas ##### `pins` Data type: `Hash` Creates new `apt::pin` resources. Valid options: a hash to be passed to the create_resources function linked above. Default value: $apt::params::pins ##### `settings` Data type: `Hash` Creates new `apt::setting` resources. Valid options: a hash to be passed to the create_resources function linked above. Default value: $apt::params::settings ##### `manage_auth_conf` Data type: `Boolean` Specifies whether to manage the /etc/apt/auth.conf file. When true, the file will be overwritten with the entries specified in the auth_conf_entries parameter. When false, the file will be ignored (note that this does not set the file to absent. Default value: $apt::params::manage_auth_conf ##### `auth_conf_entries` Data type: `Array[Apt::Auth_conf_entry]` An optional array of login configuration settings (hashes) that are recorded in the file /etc/apt/auth.conf. This file has a netrc-like format (similar to what curl uses) and contains the login configuration for APT sources and proxies that require authentication. See https://manpages.debian.org/testing/apt/apt_auth.conf.5.en.html for details. If specified each hash must contain the keys machine, login and password and no others. Specifying manage_auth_conf and not specifying this parameter will set /etc/apt/auth.conf to absent. Default value: $apt::params::auth_conf_entries ##### `auth_conf_owner` Data type: `String` The owner of the file /etc/apt/auth.conf. Default: '_apt' or 'root' on old releases. Default value: $apt::params::auth_conf_owner ##### `root` Data type: `String` Specifies root directory of Apt executable. Default value: $apt::params::root ##### `sources_list` Data type: `String` Specifies the path of the sources_list file to use. Default value: $apt::params::sources_list ##### `sources_list_d` Data type: `String` Specifies the path of the sources_list.d file to use. Default value: $apt::params::sources_list_d ##### `conf_d` Data type: `String` Specifies the path of the conf.d file to use. Default value: $apt::params::conf_d ##### `preferences` Data type: `String` Specifies the path of the preferences file to use. Default value: $apt::params::preferences ##### `preferences_d` Data type: `String` Specifies the path of the preferences.d file to use. Default value: $apt::params::preferences_d ##### `config_files` Data type: `Hash` A hash made up of the various configuration files used by Apt. Default value: $apt::params::config_files ##### `update_defaults` Data type: `Hash` Default value: $apt::params::update_defaults ##### `purge_defaults` Data type: `Hash` Default value: $apt::params::purge_defaults ##### `proxy_defaults` Data type: `Hash` Default value: $apt::params::proxy_defaults ##### `include_defaults` Data type: `Hash` Default value: $apt::params::include_defaults ##### `apt_conf_d` Data type: `String` Default value: $apt::params::apt_conf_d ##### `source_key_defaults` Data type: `Hash` Default value: $apt::params::source_key_defaults ### apt::backports Manages backports. #### Examples ##### Set up a backport for linuxmint qiana ```puppet apt::backports { 'qiana': location => 'http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu', release => 'trusty-backports', repos => 'main universe multiverse restricted', key => { id => '630239CC130E1A7FD81A27B140976EAF437D05B5', server => 'hkps.pool.sks-keyservers.net', }, } ``` #### Parameters The following parameters are available in the `apt::backports` class. ##### `location` Data type: `Optional[String]` Specifies an Apt repository containing the backports to manage. Valid options: a string containing a URL. Default value for Debian and Ubuntu varies: - Debian: 'http://deb.debian.org/debian' - Ubuntu: 'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu' Default value: `undef` ##### `release` Data type: `Optional[String]` Specifies a distribution of the Apt repository containing the backports to manage. Used in populating the `source.list` configuration file. Default: on Debian and Ubuntu, '${lsbdistcodename}-backports'. We recommend keeping this default, except on other operating systems. Default value: `undef` ##### `repos` Data type: `Optional[String]` Specifies a component of the Apt repository containing the backports to manage. Used in populating the `source.list` configuration file. Default value for Debian and Ubuntu varies: - Debian: 'main contrib non-free' - Ubuntu: 'main universe multiverse restricted' Default value: `undef` ##### `key` Data type: `Optional[Variant[String, Hash]]` Specifies a key to authenticate the backports. Valid options: a string to be passed to the id parameter of the apt::key defined type, or a hash of parameter => value pairs to be passed to apt::key's id, server, content, source, and/or options parameters. Default value for Debian and Ubuntu varies: - Debian: 'A1BD8E9D78F7FE5C3E65D8AF8B48AD6246925553' - Ubuntu: '630239CC130E1A7FD81A27B140976EAF437D05B5' Default value: `undef` ##### `pin` Data type: `Optional[Variant[Integer, String, Hash]]` Specifies a pin priority for the backports. Valid options: a number or string to be passed to the `id` parameter of the `apt::pin` defined type, or a hash of `parameter => value` pairs to be passed to `apt::pin`'s corresponding parameters. Default value: 200 ## Defined types ### apt::conf Specifies a custom Apt configuration file. #### Parameters The following parameters are available in the `apt::conf` defined type. ##### `content` Data type: `Optional[String]` Required unless `ensure` is set to 'absent'. Directly supplies content for the configuration file. Default value: `undef` ##### `ensure` Data type: `Enum['present', 'absent']` Specifies whether the configuration file should exist. Valid options: 'present' and 'absent'. Default value: present ##### `priority` Data type: `Variant[String, Integer]` Determines the order in which Apt processes the configuration file. Files with lower priority numbers are loaded first. Valid options: a string containing an integer or an integer. Default value: 50 ##### `notify_update` Data type: `Optional[Boolean]` Specifies whether to trigger an `apt-get update` run. Default value: `undef` ### apt::key Manages the GPG keys that Apt uses to authenticate packages. * **Note** The apt::key defined type makes use of the apt_key type, but includes extra functionality to help prevent duplicate keys. #### Examples ##### Declare Apt key for apt.puppetlabs.com source ```puppet apt::key { 'puppetlabs': id => '6F6B15509CF8E59E6E469F327F438280EF8D349F', server => 'hkps.pool.sks-keyservers.net', options => 'http-proxy="http://proxyuser:proxypass@example.org:3128"', } ``` #### Parameters The following parameters are available in the `apt::key` defined type. ##### `id` Data type: `Pattern[/\A(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\Z/, /\A(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]{16}\Z/, /\A(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]{40}\Z/]` Specifies a GPG key to authenticate Apt package signatures. Valid options: a string containing a key ID (8 or 16 hexadecimal characters, optionally prefixed with "0x") or a full key fingerprint (40 hexadecimal characters). Default value: $title ##### `ensure` Data type: `Enum['present', 'absent', 'refreshed']` Specifies whether the key should exist. Valid options: 'present', 'absent' or 'refreshed'. Using 'refreshed' will make keys auto update when they have expired (assuming a new key exists on the key server). Default value: present ##### `content` Data type: `Optional[String]` Supplies the entire GPG key. Useful in case the key can't be fetched from a remote location and using a file resource is inconvenient. Default value: `undef` ##### `source` Data type: `Optional[Pattern[/\Ahttps?:\/\//, /\Aftp:\/\//, /\A\/\w+/]]` Specifies the location of an existing GPG key file to copy. Valid options: a string containing a URL (ftp://, http://, or https://) or an absolute path. Default value: `undef` ##### `server` Data type: `Pattern[/\A((hkp|hkps|http|https):\/\/)?([a-z\d])([a-z\d-]{0,61}\.)+[a-z\d]+(:\d{2,5})?$/]` Specifies a keyserver to provide the GPG key. Valid options: a string containing a domain name or a full URL (http://, https://, hkp:// or hkps://). The hkps:// protocol is currently only supported on Ubuntu 18.04. Default value: $::apt::keyserver ##### `weak_ssl` Data type: `Boolean` Specifies whether strict SSL verification on a https URL should be disabled. Valid options: true or false. Default value: `false` ##### `options` Data type: `Optional[String]` Passes additional options to `apt-key adv --keyserver-options`. Default value: $::apt::key_options ### apt::mark defined typeapt::mark #### Parameters The following parameters are available in the `apt::mark` defined type. ##### `setting` Data type: `Enum['auto','manual','hold','unhold']` auto, manual, hold, unhold specifies the behavior of apt in case of no more dependencies installed https://manpages.debian.org/sretch/apt/apt-mark.8.en.html ### apt::pin Manages Apt pins. Does not trigger an apt-get update run. * **See also** http://linux.die.net/man/5/apt_preferences for context on these parameters #### Parameters The following parameters are available in the `apt::pin` defined type. ##### `ensure` Data type: `Optional[Enum['file', 'present', 'absent']]` Specifies whether the pin should exist. Valid options: 'file', 'present', and 'absent'. Default value: present ##### `explanation` Data type: `Optional[String]` Supplies a comment to explain the pin. Default: "${caller_module_name}: ${name}". Default value: `undef` ##### `order` Data type: `Variant[Integer]` Determines the order in which Apt processes the pin file. Files with lower order numbers are loaded first. Default value: 50 ##### `packages` Data type: `Variant[String, Array]` Specifies which package(s) to pin. Default value: '*' ##### `priority` Data type: `Variant[Numeric, String]` Sets the priority of the package. If multiple versions of a given package are available, `apt-get` installs the one with the highest priority number (subject to dependency constraints). Valid options: an integer. Default value: 0 ##### `release` Data type: `Optional[String]` Tells APT to prefer packages that support the specified release. Typical values include 'stable', 'testing', and 'unstable'. Default value: '' ##### `release_version` Data type: `Optional[String]` Tells APT to prefer packages that support the specified operating system release version (such as Debian release version 7). Default value: '' ##### `component` Data type: `Optional[String]` Names the licensing component associated with the packages in the directory tree of the Release file. Default value: '' ##### `originator` Data type: `Optional[String]` Names the originator of the packages in the directory tree of the Release file. Default value: '' ##### `label` Data type: `Optional[String]` Names the label of the packages in the directory tree of the Release file. Default value: '' ##### `origin` Data type: `Optional[String]` Default value: '' ##### `version` Data type: `Optional[String]` Default value: '' ##### `codename` Data type: `Optional[String]` Default value: '' ### apt::ppa Manages PPA repositories using `add-apt-repository`. Not supported on Debian. #### Examples ##### Example declaration of an Apt PPA ```puppet apt::ppa{ 'ppa:openstack-ppa/bleeding-edge': } ``` #### Parameters The following parameters are available in the `apt::ppa` defined type. ##### `ensure` Data type: `String` Specifies whether the PPA should exist. Valid options: 'present' and 'absent'. Default value: 'present' ##### `options` Data type: `Optional[String]` Supplies options to be passed to the `add-apt-repository` command. Default: '-y'. Default value: $::apt::ppa_options ##### `release` Data type: `Optional[String]` Optional if lsb-release is installed (unless you're using a different release than indicated by lsb-release, e.g., Linux Mint). Specifies the operating system of your node. Valid options: a string containing a valid LSB distribution codename. Default value: $facts['lsbdistcodename'] ##### `package_name` Data type: `Optional[String]` Names the package that provides the `apt-add-repository` command. Default: 'software-properties-common'. Default value: $::apt::ppa_package ##### `package_manage` Data type: `Boolean` Specifies whether Puppet should manage the package that provides `apt-add-repository`. Default value: `false` ### apt::setting Manages Apt configuration files. * **See also** https://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/latest/type.html#file-attributes for more information on source and content parameters #### Parameters The following parameters are available in the `apt::setting` defined type. ##### `priority` Data type: `Variant[String, Integer, Array]` Determines the order in which Apt processes the configuration file. Files with higher priority numbers are loaded first. Default value: 50 ##### `ensure` Data type: `Optional[Enum['file', 'present', 'absent']]` Specifies whether the file should exist. Valid options: 'present', 'absent', and 'file'. Default value: file ##### `source` Data type: `Optional[String]` Required, unless `content` is set. Specifies a source file to supply the content of the configuration file. Cannot be used in combination with `content`. Valid options: see link above for Puppet's native file type source attribute. Default value: `undef` ##### `content` Data type: `Optional[String]` Required, unless `source` is set. Directly supplies content for the configuration file. Cannot be used in combination with `source`. Valid options: see link above for Puppet's native file type content attribute. Default value: `undef` ##### `notify_update` Data type: `Boolean` Specifies whether to trigger an `apt-get update` run. Default value: `true` ### apt::source Manages the Apt sources in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/. #### Examples ##### Install the puppetlabs apt source ```puppet apt::source { 'puppetlabs': location => 'http://apt.puppetlabs.com', repos => 'main', key => { id => '6F6B15509CF8E59E6E469F327F438280EF8D349F', server => 'hkps.pool.sks-keyservers.net', }, } ``` #### Parameters The following parameters are available in the `apt::source` defined type. ##### `location` Data type: `Optional[String]` Required, unless ensure is set to 'absent'. Specifies an Apt repository. Valid options: a string containing a repository URL. Default value: `undef` ##### `comment` Data type: `String` Supplies a comment for adding to the Apt source file. Default value: $name ##### `ensure` Data type: `String` Specifies whether the Apt source file should exist. Valid options: 'present' and 'absent'. Default value: present ##### `release` Data type: `Optional[String]` Specifies a distribution of the Apt repository. Default value: `undef` ##### `repos` Data type: `String` Specifies a component of the Apt repository. Default value: 'main' ##### `include` Data type: `Optional[Variant[Hash]]` Configures include options. Valid options: a hash of available keys. Options: * **:deb** `Boolean`: Specifies whether to request the distribution's compiled binaries. Default true. * **:src** `Boolean`: Specifies whether to request the distribution's uncompiled source code. Default false. Default value: {} ##### `key` Data type: `Optional[Variant[String, Hash]]` Creates a declaration of the apt::key defined type. Valid options: a string to be passed to the `id` parameter of the `apt::key` defined type, or a hash of `parameter => value` pairs to be passed to `apt::key`'s `id`, `server`, `content`, `source`, and/or `options` parameters. Default value: `undef` ##### `pin` Data type: `Optional[Variant[Hash, Numeric, String]]` Creates a declaration of the apt::pin defined type. Valid options: a number or string to be passed to the `id` parameter of the `apt::pin` defined type, or a hash of `parameter => value` pairs to be passed to `apt::pin`'s corresponding parameters. Default value: `undef` ##### `architecture` Data type: `Optional[String]` Tells Apt to only download information for specified architectures. Valid options: a string containing one or more architecture names, separated by commas (e.g., 'i386' or 'i386,alpha,powerpc'). Default: undef (if unspecified, Apt downloads information for all architectures defined in the Apt::Architectures option). Default value: `undef` ##### `allow_unsigned` Data type: `Boolean` Specifies whether to authenticate packages from this release, even if the Release file is not signed or the signature can't be checked. Default value: `false` ##### `notify_update` Data type: `Boolean` Specifies whether to trigger an `apt-get update` run. Default value: `true` ## Resource types ## Data types ### Apt::Auth_conf_entry Login configuration settings that are recorded in the file `/etc/apt/auth.conf`. * **See also** https://manpages.debian.org/testing/apt/apt_auth.conf.5.en.html for more information Alias of `Struct[{ machine => String[1], login => String, password => String }]` #### Parameters The following parameters are available in the `Apt::Auth_conf_entry` data type. ##### `machine` Hostname of machine to connect to. ##### `login` Specifies the username to connect with. ##### `password` Specifies the password to connect with. ### Apt::Proxy Configures Apt to connect to a proxy server. Alias of `Struct[{ ensure => Optional[Enum['file', 'present', 'absent']], host => Optional[String], port => Optional[Integer[0, 65535]], https => Optional[Boolean], direct => Optional[Boolean], }]` #### Parameters The following parameters are available in the `Apt::Proxy` data type. ##### `ensure` Specifies whether the proxy should exist. Valid options: 'file', 'present', and 'absent'. Prefer 'file' over 'present'. ##### `host` Specifies a proxy host to be stored in `/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01proxy`. Valid options: a string containing a hostname. ##### `port` Specifies a proxy port to be stored in `/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01proxy`. Valid options: an integer containing a port number. ##### `https` Specifies whether to enable https proxies. ##### `direct` Specifies whether or not to use a `DIRECT` https proxy if http proxy is used but https is not. ## Tasks ### init Allows you to perform apt functions **Supports noop?** false #### Parameters ##### `action` Data type: `Enum[update, upgrade, dist-upgrade, autoremove]` Action to perform