#This file is generated by ModuleSync, do not edit. source ENV['GEM_SOURCE'] || "https://rubygems.org" # Determines what type of gem is requested based on place_or_version. def gem_type(place_or_version) if place_or_version =~ /^git:/ :git elsif place_or_version =~ /^file:/ :file else :gem end end # Find a location or specific version for a gem. place_or_version can be a # version, which is most often used. It can also be git, which is specified as # `git://somewhere.git#branch`. You can also use a file source location, which # is specified as `file://some/location/on/disk`. def location_for(place_or_version, fake_version = nil) if place_or_version =~ /^(git[:@][^#]*)#(.*)/ [fake_version, { :git => $1, :branch => $2, :require => false }].compact elsif place_or_version =~ /^file:\/\/(.*)/ ['>= 0', { :path => File.expand_path($1), :require => false }] else [place_or_version, { :require => false }] end end # Used for gem conditionals ruby_version_segments = Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION.dup).segments minor_version = "#{ruby_version_segments[0]}.#{ruby_version_segments[1]}" # The following gems are not included by default as they require DevKit on Windows. # You should probably include them in a Gemfile.local or a ~/.gemfile #gem 'pry' #this may already be included in the gemfile #gem 'pry-stack_explorer', :require => false #if RUBY_VERSION =~ /^2/ # gem 'pry-byebug' #else # gem 'pry-debugger' #end group :development do gem "puppet-module-posix-default-r#{minor_version}", :require => false, :platforms => "ruby" gem "puppet-module-win-default-r#{minor_version}", :require => false, :platforms => ["mswin", "mingw", "x64_mingw"] gem "puppet-module-posix-dev-r#{minor_version}", :require => false, :platforms => "ruby" gem "puppet-module-win-dev-r#{minor_version}", '0.0.7', :require => false, :platforms => ["mswin", "mingw", "x64_mingw"] gem "json_pure", '<= 2.0.1', :require => false if Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION.dup) < Gem::Version.new('2.0.0') gem "fast_gettext", '1.1.0', :require => false if Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION.dup) < Gem::Version.new('2.1.0') gem "fast_gettext", :require => false if Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION.dup) >= Gem::Version.new('2.1.0') end group :system_tests do gem "puppet-module-posix-system-r#{minor_version}", :require => false, :platforms => "ruby" gem "puppet-module-win-system-r#{minor_version}", :require => false, :platforms => ["mswin", "mingw", "x64_mingw"] gem "beaker", *location_for(ENV['BEAKER_VERSION'] || '>= 3') gem "beaker-pe", :require => false gem "beaker-rspec", *location_for(ENV['BEAKER_RSPEC_VERSION']) gem "beaker-hostgenerator", *location_for(ENV['BEAKER_HOSTGENERATOR_VERSION']) gem "beaker-abs", *location_for(ENV['BEAKER_ABS_VERSION'] || '~> 0.1') gem "puppet-blacksmith", '~> 3.4', :require => false end gem 'puppet', *location_for(ENV['PUPPET_GEM_VERSION']) # Only explicitly specify Facter/Hiera if a version has been specified. # Otherwise it can lead to strange bundler behavior. If you are seeing weird # gem resolution behavior, try setting `DEBUG_RESOLVER` environment variable # to `1` and then run bundle install. gem 'facter', *location_for(ENV['FACTER_GEM_VERSION']) if ENV['FACTER_GEM_VERSION'] gem 'hiera', *location_for(ENV['HIERA_GEM_VERSION']) if ENV['HIERA_GEM_VERSION'] # Evaluate Gemfile.local if it exists if File.exists? "#{__FILE__}.local" eval(File.read("#{__FILE__}.local"), binding) end # Evaluate ~/.gemfile if it exists if File.exists?(File.join(Dir.home, '.gemfile')) eval(File.read(File.join(Dir.home, '.gemfile')), binding) end # vim:ft=ruby