##2014-08-20 - Supported Release 1.6.0 ###Summary ####Features - Allow URL or domain name for key_server parameter - Allow custom comment for sources list - Enable auto-update for Debian squeeze LTS - Add facts showing available updates ####Bugfixes - Allow dashes in URL or domain for key_server parameter ##2014-08-13 - Supported Release 1.5.3 ###Summary This is a bugfix releases. It addresses a bad regex, failures with unicode characters, and issues with the $proxy_host handling in apt::ppa. ####Features - Synced files from Modulesync ####Bugfixes - Fix regex to follow APT requirements in apt::pin - Fix for unicode characters - Fix inconsistent $proxy_host handling in apt and apt::ppa - Fix typo in README - Fix broken acceptance tests ##2014-07-15 - Supported Release 1.5.2 ###Summary This release merely updates metadata.json so the module can be uninstalled and upgraded via the puppet module command. ##2014-07-10 - Supported Release 1.5.1 ###Summary This release has added tests to ensure graceful failure on OSX. ##2014-06-04 - Release 1.5.0 ###Summary This release adds support for Ubuntu 14.04. It also includes many new features and important bugfixes. One huge change is that apt::key was replaced with apt_key, which allows you to use puppet resource apt_key to inventory keys on your system. Special thanks to daenney, our intrepid unofficial apt maintainer! ####Features - Add support for Ubuntu Trusty! - Add apt::hold define - Generate valid *.pref files in apt::pin - Made pin_priority configurable for apt::backports - Add apt_key type and provider - Rename "${apt_conf_d}/proxy" to "${apt_conf_d}/01proxy" - apt::key rewritten to use apt_key type - Add support for update_tries to apt::update ####Bugfixes - Typo fixes - Fix unattended upgrades - Removed bogus line when using purge_preferences - Fix apt::force to upgrade allow packages to be upgraded to the pacakge from the specified release ##2014-03-04 - Supported Release 1.4.2 ###Summary This is a supported release. This release tidies up 1.4.1 and re-enables support for Ubuntu 10.04 ####Features ####Bugfixes - Fix apt:ppa to include the -y Ubuntu 10.04 requires. - Documentation changes. - Test fixups. ####Known Bugs * No known issues. ##2014-02-13 1.4.1 ###Summary This is a bugfix release. ####Bugfixes - Fix apt::force unable to upgrade packages from releases other than its original - Removed a few refeneces to aptitude instead of apt-get for portability - Removed call to getparam() due to stdlib dependency - Correct apt::source template when architecture is provided - Retry package installs if apt is locked - Use root to exec in apt::ppa - Updated tests and converted acceptance tests to beaker ##2013-10-08 - Release 1.4.0 ###Summary Minor bugfix and allow the timeout to be adjusted. ####Features - Add an `updates_timeout` to apt::params ####Bugfixes - Ensure apt::ppa can read a ppa removed by hand. ##2013-10-08 - Release 1.3.0 ###Summary This major feature in this release is the new apt::unattended_upgrades class, allowing you to handle Ubuntu's unattended feature. This allows you to select specific packages to automatically upgrade without any further user involvement. In addition we extend our Wheezy support, add proxy support to apt:ppa and do various cleanups and tweaks. ####Features - Add apt::unattended_upgrades support for Ubuntu. - Add wheezy backports support. - Use the geoDNS http.debian.net instead of the main debian ftp server. - Add `options` parameter to apt::ppa in order to pass options to apt-add-repository command. - Add proxy support for apt::ppa (uses proxy_host and proxy_port from apt). ####Bugfixes - Fix regsubst() calls to quote single letters (for future parser). - Fix lint warnings and other misc cleanup. ##2013-07-03 - Release 1.2.0 ####Features - Add geppetto `.project` natures - Add GH auto-release - Add `apt::key::key_options` parameter - Add complex pin support using distribution properties for `apt::pin` via new properties: - `apt::pin::codename` - `apt::pin::release_version` - `apt::pin::component` - `apt::pin::originator` - `apt::pin::label` - Add source architecture support to `apt::source::architecture` ####Bugfixes - Use apt-get instead of aptitude in apt::force - Update default backports location - Add dependency for required packages before apt-get update ##2013-06-02 - Release 1.1.1 ###Summary This is a bug fix release that resolves a number of issues: * By changing template variable usage, we remove the deprecation warnings for Puppet 3.2.x * Fixed proxy file removal, when proxy absent Some documentation, style and whitespaces changes were also merged. This release also introduced proper rspec-puppet unit testing on Travis-CI to help reduce regression. Thanks to all the community contributors below that made this patch possible. #### Detail Changes * fix minor comment type (Chris Rutter) * whitespace fixes (Michael Moll) * Update travis config file (William Van Hevelingen) * Build all branches on travis (William Van Hevelingen) * Standardize travis.yml on pattern introduced in stdlib (William Van Hevelingen) * Updated content to conform to README best practices template (Lauren Rother) * Fix apt::release example in readme (Brian Galey) * add @ to variables in template (Peter Hoeg) * Remove deprecation warnings for pin.pref.erb as well (Ken Barber) * Update travis.yml to latest versions of puppet (Ken Barber) * Fix proxy file removal (Scott Barber) * Add spec test for removing proxy configuration (Dean Reilly) * Fix apt::key listing longer than 8 chars (Benjamin Knofe) ## Release 1.1.0 ###Summary This release includes Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal) support for PPAs. --- ##2012-05-25 - Puppet Labs - Release 0.0.4 ###Summary * Fix ppa list filename when there is a period in the PPA name * Add .pref extension to apt preferences files * Allow preferences to be purged * Extend pin support ##2012-05-04 - Puppet Labs - Release 0.0.3 ###Summary * only invoke apt-get update once * only install python-software-properties if a ppa is added * support 'ensure => absent' for all defined types * add apt::conf * add apt::backports * fixed Modulefile for module tool dependency resolution * configure proxy before doing apt-get update * use apt-get update instead of aptitude for apt::ppa * add support to pin release ##2012-03-26 - Puppet Labs - Release 0.0.2 ###Summary * 41cedbb (#13261) Add real examples to smoke tests. * d159a78 (#13261) Add key.pp smoke test * 7116c7a (#13261) Replace foo source with puppetlabs source * 1ead0bf Ignore pkg directory. * 9c13872 (#13289) Fix some more style violations * 0ea4ffa (#13289) Change test scaffolding to use a module & manifest dir fixture path * a758247 (#13289) Clean up style violations and fix corresponding tests * 99c3fd3 (#13289) Add puppet lint tests to Rakefile * 5148cbf (#13125) Apt keys should be case insensitive * b9607a4 Convert apt::key to use anchors ##2012-03-07 - Puppet Labs - Release 0.0.1 ###Summary * d4fec56 Modify apt::source release parameter test * 1132a07 (#12917) Add contributors to README * 8cdaf85 (#12823) Add apt::key defined type and modify apt::source to use it * 7c0d10b (#12809) $release should use $lsbdistcodename and fall back to manual input * be2cc3e (#12522) Adjust spec test for splitting purge * 7dc60ae (#12522) Split purge option to spare sources.list * 9059c4e Fix source specs to test all key permutations * 8acb202 Add test for python-software-properties package * a4af11f Check if python-software-properties is defined before attempting to define it. * 1dcbf3d Add tests for required_packages change * f3735d2 Allow duplicate $required_packages * 74c8371 (#12430) Add tests for changes to apt module * 97ebb2d Test two sources with the same key * 1160bcd (#12526) Add ability to reverse apt { disable_keys => true } * 2842d73 Add Modulefile to puppet-apt * c657742 Allow the use of the same key in multiple sources * 8c27963 (#12522) Adding purge option to apt class * 997c9fd (#12529) Add unit test for apt proxy settings * 50f3cca (#12529) Add parameter to support setting a proxy for apt * d522877 (#12094) Replace chained .with_* with a hash * 8cf1bd0 (#12094) Remove deprecated spec.opts file * 2d688f4 (#12094) Add rspec-puppet tests for apt * 0fb5f78 (#12094) Replace name with path in file resources * f759bc0 (#11953) Apt::force passes $version to aptitude * f71db53 (#11413) Add spec test for apt::force to verify changes to unless * 2f5d317 (#11413) Update dpkg query used by apt::force * cf6caa1 (#10451) Add test coverage to apt::ppa * 0dd697d include_src parameter in example; Whitespace cleanup * b662eb8 fix typos in "repositories" * 1be7457 Fix (#10451) - apt::ppa fails to "apt-get update" when new PPA source is added * 864302a Set the pin priority before adding the source (Fix #10449) * 1de4e0a Refactored as per mlitteken * 1af9a13 Added some crazy bash madness to check if the ppa is installed already. Otherwise the manifest tries to add it on every run! * 52ca73e (#8720) Replace Apt::Ppa with Apt::Builddep * 5c05fa0 added builddep command. * a11af50 added the ability to specify the content of a key * c42db0f Fixes ppa test. * 77d2b0d reformatted whitespace to match recommended style of 2 space indentation. * 27ebdfc ignore swap files. * 377d58a added smoke tests for module. * 18f614b reformatted apt::ppa according to recommended style. * d8a1e4e Created a params class to hold global data. * 636ae85 Added two params for apt class * 148fc73 Update LICENSE. * ed2d19e Support ability to add more than one PPA * 420d537 Add call to apt-update after add-apt-repository in apt::ppa * 945be77 Add package definition for python-software-properties * 71fc425 Abs paths for all commands * 9d51cd1 Adding LICENSE * 71796e3 Heading fix in README * 87777d8 Typo in README * f848bac First commit