Add tcpdump package to the image, update kernel to 3.13.0-85
[packages/trusty/cirros-testvm.git] / cirros-testvm / src-cirros / buildroot-2015.05 / build / docs / manual / package-list.txt
1 //
2 // Automatically generated list for Buildroot manual.
3 //
5 [width="100%",cols="^1,4",options="header"]
6 |===================================================
7 | Packages                                 <| Target packages -> ...
9 | a10disp                                  <|  -> Hardware handling
10 | acl                                      <|  -> System tools
11 | acpid                                    <|  -> Hardware handling
12 | adwaita icon theme                       <|  -> Fonts, icons, sounds and themes
13 | aespipe                                  <|  -> Miscellaneous
14 | agent++                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
15 | aiccu                                    <|  -> Networking applications
16 | aircrack-ng                              <|  -> Networking applications
17 | alsa-lib                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Audio/Sound
18 | alsa-utils                               <|  -> Audio and video applications
19 | alsamixergui                             <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
20 | am335x-pru-package                       <|  -> Hardware handling
21 | am33x-cm3                                <|  -> Hardware handling -> Firmware
22 | apache                                   <|  -> Networking applications
23 | apitrace                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
24 | applewmproto                             <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 X protocols
25 | appres                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
26 | apr                                      <|  -> Libraries -> Other
27 | apr-util                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Other
28 | argp-standalone                          <|  -> Libraries -> Other
29 | argus                                    <|  -> Networking applications
30 | armadillo                                <|  -> Libraries -> Other
31 | arptables                                <|  -> Networking applications
32 | at                                       <|  -> Shell and utilities
33 | atftp                                    <|  -> Networking applications
34 | atk                                      <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
35 | attr                                     <|  -> System tools
36 | audiofile                                <|  -> Libraries -> Audio/Sound
37 | aumix                                    <|  -> Audio and video applications
38 | autossh                                  <|  -> Networking applications
39 | avahi                                    <|  -> Networking applications
40 | avrdude                                  <|  -> Hardware handling
41 | axel                                     <|  -> Networking applications
42 | b43-firmware                             <|  -> Hardware handling -> Firmware
43 | bandwidthd                               <|  -> Networking applications
44 | bash                                     <|  -> Shell and utilities
45 | batctl                                   <|  -> Networking applications
46 | bc                                       <|  -> Miscellaneous
47 | bcache tools                             <|  -> Hardware handling
48 | bcusdk                                   <|  -> Networking applications
49 | bdftopcf                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
50 | bdwgc                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Other
51 | beecrypt                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Crypto
52 | beforelight                              <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
53 | bellagio                                 <|  -> Audio and video applications
54 | benejson                                 <|  -> Libraries -> JSON/XML
55 | berkeleydb                               <|  -> Libraries -> Database
56 | bigreqsproto                             <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 X protocols
57 | bind                                     <|  -> Networking applications
58 | binutils                                 <|  -> Development tools
59 | biosdevname                              <|  -> Hardware handling
60 | bitmap                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
61 | Bitstream Vera                           <|  -> Fonts, icons, sounds and themes
62 | blackbox *(deprecated)*                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
63 | blktrace                                 <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
64 | bluez-utils                              <|  -> Networking applications
65 | bluez-utils 5.x                          <|  -> Networking applications
66 | bmon                                     <|  -> Networking applications
67 | boa                                      <|  -> Networking applications
68 | bonnie++                                 <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
69 | boost                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Other
70 | bootstrap                                <|  -> Libraries -> Javascript
71 | bootutils                                <|  -> System tools
72 | botan                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Crypto
73 | bridge-utils                             <|  -> Networking applications
74 | bsdiff                                   <|  -> Development tools
75 | btrfs-progs                              <|  -> Filesystem and flash utilities
76 | bullet                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
77 | bustle                                   <|  -> Development tools
78 | BusyBox                                  <| 
79 | bwm-ng                                   <|  -> Networking applications
80 | bzip2                                    <|  -> Compressors and decompressors
81 | c-ares                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
82 | c-periphery                              <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
83 | CA Certificates                          <|  -> Libraries -> Crypto
84 | cache-calibrator                         <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
85 | cairo                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
86 | can-utils                                <|  -> Networking applications
87 | canfestival                              <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
88 | cblas/clapack                            <|  -> Libraries -> Other
89 | cc-tool                                  <|  -> Hardware handling
90 | ccid                                     <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
91 | ccrypt                                   <|  -> Shell and utilities
92 | cdrkit                                   <|  -> Hardware handling
93 | cegui06                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
94 | celt051                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Audio/Sound
95 | cgic                                     <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
96 | cgilua                                   <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
97 | chrony                                   <|  -> Networking applications
98 | cifs-utils                               <|  -> Filesystem and flash utilities
99 | civetweb                                 <|  -> Networking applications
100 | cJSON                                    <|  -> Libraries -> JSON/XML
101 | clamav                                   <|  -> Miscellaneous
102 | classpath                                <|  -> Libraries -> Other
103 | collectd                                 <|  -> Miscellaneous
104 | compositeproto                           <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 X protocols
105 | connman                                  <|  -> Networking applications
106 | conntrack-tools                          <|  -> Networking applications
107 | copas                                    <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
108 | coreutils                                <|  -> System tools
109 | cosmo                                    <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
110 | coxpcall                                 <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
111 | cppcms                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Other
112 | cppdb                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Database
113 | cppunit                                  <|  -> Development tools
114 | cppzmq                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
115 | cpuload                                  <|  -> System tools
116 | cramfs                                   <|  -> Filesystem and flash utilities
117 | crda                                     <|  -> Networking applications
118 | cryptodev-linux                          <|  -> Libraries -> Crypto -> cryptodev variant
119 | cryptsetup                               <|  -> Hardware handling
120 | ctorrent                                 <|  -> Networking applications
121 | cups *(deprecated)*                      <|  -> Networking applications
122 | curlftpfs (FUSE)                         <|  -> Filesystem and flash utilities
123 | cvs                                      <|  -> Development tools
124 | cwiid                                    <|  -> Hardware handling
125 | czmq                                     <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
126 | dado                                     <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
127 | damageproto                              <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 X protocols
128 | dash                                     <|  -> Shell and utilities
129 | dbus                                     <|  -> Hardware handling
130 | dbus-c++                                 <|  -> Hardware handling
131 | dbus-glib                                <|  -> Hardware handling
132 | dbus-python                              <|  -> Hardware handling
133 | dbus-triggerd                            <|  -> Hardware handling
134 | dcron                                    <|  -> System tools
135 | debianutils                              <|  -> System tools
136 | Declarative module                       <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
137 | DejaVu fonts                             <|  -> Fonts, icons, sounds and themes
138 | devmem2                                  <|  -> Hardware handling
139 | dhcp (ISC)                               <|  -> Networking applications
140 | dhcpcd                                   <|  -> Networking applications
141 | dhcpdump                                 <|  -> Networking applications
142 | dhrystone                                <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
143 | dialog                                   <|  -> Shell and utilities
144 | diffutils                                <|  -> Development tools
145 | dillo                                    <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
146 | ding-libs                                <|  -> Libraries -> Other
147 | directfb                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
148 | directfb examples                        <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
149 | directfb virtual input extension         <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
150 | dmalloc                                  <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
151 | dmidecode                                <|  -> Hardware handling
152 | dmraid                                   <|  -> Hardware handling
153 | dmxproto                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 X protocols
154 | dnsmasq                                  <|  -> Networking applications
155 | docker                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
156 | dosfstools                               <|  -> Filesystem and flash utilities
157 | dovecot                                  <|  -> Mail
158 | dovecot-pigeonhole                       <|  -> Mail
159 | drbd-utils                               <|  -> Networking applications
160 | dri2proto                                <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 X protocols
161 | dri3proto                                <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 X protocols
162 | dropbear                                 <|  -> Networking applications
163 | dropwatch                                <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
164 | dsp-tools                                <|  -> System tools
165 | dstat                                    <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
166 | dtach                                    <|  -> Shell and utilities
167 | dtc (libfdt)                             <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
168 | dtv-scan-tables                          <|  -> Hardware handling
169 | duma                                     <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
170 | dvb-apps                                 <|  -> Hardware handling
171 | dvbsnoop                                 <|  -> Hardware handling
172 | dvdauthor                                <|  -> Audio and video applications
173 | dvdrw-tools                              <|  -> Audio and video applications
174 | e2fsprogs                                <|  -> Filesystem and flash utilities
175 | e2tools                                  <|  -> Filesystem and flash utilities
176 | ebtables                                 <|  -> Networking applications
177 | ecryptfs-utils                           <|  -> Filesystem and flash utilities
178 | ed                                       <|  -> Text editors and viewers
179 | editres                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
180 | eeprog                                   <|  -> Hardware handling
181 | eigen                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Other
182 | ejabberd                                 <|  -> Networking applications
183 | elfutils                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Other
184 | empty                                    <|  -> Miscellaneous
185 | enchant                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Text and terminal handling
186 | encodings                                <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
187 | enlightenment                            <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
188 | Enlightenment Foundation Libraries       <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
189 | enscript                                 <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting
190 | epoxy                                    <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
191 | erlang                                   <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting
192 | erlang-goldrush                          <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Erlang libraries/modules
193 | erlang-lager                             <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Erlang libraries/modules
194 | erlang-p1-cache-tab                      <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Erlang libraries/modules
195 | erlang-p1-iconv                          <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Erlang libraries/modules
196 | erlang-p1-sip                            <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Erlang libraries/modules
197 | erlang-p1-stringprep                     <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Erlang libraries/modules
198 | erlang-p1-stun                           <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Erlang libraries/modules
199 | erlang-p1-tls                            <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Erlang libraries/modules
200 | erlang-p1-utils                          <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Erlang libraries/modules
201 | erlang-p1-xml                            <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Erlang libraries/modules
202 | erlang-p1-yaml                           <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Erlang libraries/modules
203 | erlang-p1-zlib                           <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Erlang libraries/modules
204 | espeak                                   <|  -> Audio and video applications
205 | ethtool                                  <|  -> Networking applications
206 | eudev                                    <|  -> Hardware handling
207 | evemu                                    <|  -> Hardware handling
208 | evtest                                   <|  -> Hardware handling
209 | exFAT (FUSE)                             <|  -> Filesystem and flash utilities
210 | exfat-utils                              <|  -> Filesystem and flash utilities
211 | exim                                     <|  -> Mail
212 | exiv2                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
213 | expat                                    <|  -> Libraries -> JSON/XML
214 | expect                                   <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> tcl libraries/modules
215 | expedite                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
216 | explorercanvas                           <|  -> Libraries -> Javascript
217 | ezxml                                    <|  -> Libraries -> JSON/XML
218 | f2fs-tools                               <|  -> Filesystem and flash utilities
219 | faad2                                    <|  -> Audio and video applications
220 | faifa                                    <|  -> Networking applications
221 | fan-ctrl                                 <|  -> Hardware handling
222 | fb-test-app                              <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
223 | fbdump (Framebuffer Capture Tool)        <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
224 | fbgrab                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
225 | fbset                                    <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
226 | fbterm                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
227 | fbv                                      <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
228 | fconfig                                  <|  -> Hardware handling
229 | fdk-aac                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Audio/Sound
230 | feh                                      <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
231 | fetchmail                                <|  -> Mail
232 | ffmpeg                                   <|  -> Audio and video applications
233 | fftw                                     <|  -> Libraries -> Other
234 | file                                     <|  -> Shell and utilities
235 | filemq                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
236 | findutils                                <|  -> Development tools
237 | fio                                      <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
238 | firmware-imx                             <|  -> Hardware handling
239 | fis                                      <|  -> Hardware handling
240 | fixesproto                               <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 X protocols
241 | flac                                     <|  -> Audio and video applications
242 | flann                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Other
243 | flashbench                               <|  -> Filesystem and flash utilities
244 | flashrom                                 <|  -> Hardware handling
245 | flex                                     <|  -> Development tools
246 | flickcurl                                <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
247 | flite                                    <|  -> Audio and video applications
248 | flot                                     <|  -> Libraries -> Javascript
249 | fltk                                     <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
250 | fluxbox                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
251 | fmc                                      <|  -> Networking applications
252 | fmlib                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
253 | fmtools                                  <|  -> Hardware handling
254 | font-adobe-100dpi                        <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
255 | font-adobe-75dpi                         <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
256 | font-adobe-utopia-100dpi                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
257 | font-adobe-utopia-75dpi                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
258 | font-adobe-utopia-type1                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
259 | font-alias                               <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
260 | font-arabic-misc                         <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
261 | font-bh-100dpi                           <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
262 | font-bh-75dpi                            <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
263 | font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi          <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
264 | font-bh-lucidatypewriter-75dpi           <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
265 | font-bh-ttf                              <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
266 | font-bh-type1                            <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
267 | font-bitstream-100dpi                    <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
268 | font-bitstream-75dpi                     <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
269 | font-bitstream-type1                     <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
270 | font-cronyx-cyrillic                     <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
271 | font-cursor-misc                         <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
272 | font-daewoo-misc                         <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
273 | font-dec-misc                            <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
274 | font-ibm-type1                           <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
275 | font-isas-misc                           <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
276 | font-jis-misc                            <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
277 | font-micro-misc                          <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
278 | font-misc-cyrillic                       <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
279 | font-misc-ethiopic                       <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
280 | font-misc-meltho                         <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
281 | font-misc-misc                           <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
282 | font-mutt-misc                           <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
283 | font-schumacher-misc                     <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
284 | font-screen-cyrillic                     <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
285 | font-sony-misc                           <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
286 | font-sun-misc                            <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
287 | font-util                                <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
288 | font-winitzki-cyrillic                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
289 | font-xfree86-type1                       <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Fonts
290 | fontcacheproto                           <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 X protocols
291 | fontconfig                               <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
292 | fontsproto                               <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 X protocols
293 | fonttosfnt                               <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
294 | foomatic_filters *(deprecated)*          <|  -> Networking applications
295 | fping                                    <|  -> Networking applications
296 | freeradius-client                        <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
297 | freerdp                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
298 | Freescale i.MX libraries                 <|  -> Hardware handling
299 | freetype                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
300 | fslsfonts                                <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
301 | fstobdf                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
302 | fswebcam                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
303 | ftop                                     <|  -> System tools
304 | fxload                                   <|  -> Hardware handling
305 | gadgetfs-test                            <|  -> Hardware handling
306 | gamin                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Filesystem
307 | gawk                                     <|  -> Development tools
308 | gd                                       <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
309 | gdb                                      <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
310 | gdbm                                     <|  -> Libraries -> Database
311 | gdk-pixbuf                               <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
312 | genext2fs                                <|  -> Filesystem and flash utilities
313 | genpart                                  <|  -> Filesystem and flash utilities
314 | genromfs                                 <|  -> Filesystem and flash utilities
315 | geoip                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
316 | gesftpserver                             <|  -> Networking applications
317 | getent                                   <|  -> System tools
318 | gettext                                  <|  -> Development tools
319 | ghostscript-fonts                        <|  -> Fonts, icons, sounds and themes
320 | giblib                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
321 | giflib                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
322 | git                                      <|  -> Development tools
323 | glib-networking                          <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
324 | glibmm                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Other
325 | glm                                      <|  -> Libraries -> Other
326 | glmark2                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
327 | glproto                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 X protocols
328 | gmp                                      <|  -> Libraries -> Other
329 | gmpc                                     <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
330 | gnu-efi                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
331 | gnuchess                                 <|  -> Games
332 | gnupg                                    <|  -> Shell and utilities
333 | gnupg2                                   <|  -> Shell and utilities
334 | gnuplot                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
335 | gnuradio                                 <|  -> Miscellaneous
336 | gnutls                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Crypto
337 | Google font directory                    <|  -> Miscellaneous
338 | google-breakpad                          <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
339 | gperf                                    <|  -> Development tools
340 | gpm                                      <|  -> Hardware handling
341 | gpsd                                     <|  -> Hardware handling
342 | gptfdisk                                 <|  -> Hardware handling
343 | gpu-amd-bin-mx51 (also imx53)            <|  -> Hardware handling
344 | gpu-viv-bin-mx6q                         <|  -> Hardware handling
345 | gqview                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
346 | grantlee                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
347 | grep                                     <|  -> Development tools
348 | gsl                                      <|  -> Libraries -> Other
349 | gst-dsp                                  <|  -> Audio and video applications
350 | gst-ffmpeg                               <|  -> Audio and video applications
351 | gst-fsl-plugins                          <|  -> Audio and video applications
352 | gst-omapfb                               <|  -> Audio and video applications
353 | gst-omx                                  <|  -> Audio and video applications
354 | gst-plugin-x170                          <|  -> Audio and video applications
355 | gst-plugins-bad                          <|  -> Audio and video applications
356 | gst-plugins-base                         <|  -> Audio and video applications
357 | gst-plugins-good                         <|  -> Audio and video applications
358 | gst-plugins-ugly                         <|  -> Audio and video applications
359 | gst1-imx                                 <|  -> Audio and video applications
360 | gst1-libav                               <|  -> Audio and video applications
361 | gst1-plugins-bad                         <|  -> Audio and video applications
362 | gst1-plugins-base                        <|  -> Audio and video applications
363 | gst1-plugins-good                        <|  -> Audio and video applications
364 | gst1-plugins-ugly                        <|  -> Audio and video applications
365 | gst1-validate                            <|  -> Audio and video applications
366 | gstreamer 0.10                           <|  -> Audio and video applications
367 | gstreamer 1.x                            <|  -> Audio and video applications
368 | gtest                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Other
369 | gtk engines                              <|  -> Fonts, icons, sounds and themes
370 | gtkperf (performance test for GTK2)      <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
371 | guile                                    <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting
372 | gutenprint *(deprecated)*                <|  -> Networking applications
373 | gvfs                                     <|  -> Hardware handling
374 | gzip                                     <|  -> Compressors and decompressors
375 | hans                                     <|  -> Networking applications
376 | harfbuzz                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
377 | haserl                                   <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting
378 | haveged                                  <|  -> Miscellaneous
379 | hdparm                                   <|  -> Hardware handling
380 | heirloom-mailx                           <|  -> Mail
381 | hiawatha                                 <|  -> Networking applications
382 | hicolor icon theme                       <|  -> Fonts, icons, sounds and themes
383 | hostapd                                  <|  -> Networking applications
384 | hplip *(deprecated)*                     <|  -> Networking applications
385 | htop                                     <|  -> System tools
386 | httping                                  <|  -> Networking applications
387 | hwdata                                   <|  -> Hardware handling
388 | hwloc                                    <|  -> Hardware handling
389 | i2c-tools                                <|  -> Hardware handling
390 | iceauth                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
391 | ico                                      <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
392 | icu                                      <|  -> Libraries -> Text and terminal handling
393 | ifplugd                                  <|  -> Networking applications
394 | iftop                                    <|  -> Networking applications
395 | ifupdown                                 <|  -> Networking applications
396 | igh-ethercat                             <|  -> Networking applications
397 | igmpproxy                                <|  -> Networking applications
398 | ijs                                      <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
399 | imagemagick                              <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
400 | imlib2                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
401 | imx-lib                                  <|  -> Hardware handling
402 | imx-vpu                                  <|  -> Hardware handling
403 | inadyn                                   <|  -> Networking applications
404 | inconsolata                              <|  -> Fonts, icons, sounds and themes
405 | infozip                                  <|  -> Compressors and decompressors
406 | inotify-tools                            <|  -> Shell and utilities
407 | input-event-daemon                       <|  -> Hardware handling
408 | input-tools                              <|  -> Hardware handling
409 | inputproto                               <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 X protocols
410 | intel-microcode                          <|  -> Hardware handling
411 | intltool                                 <|  -> Development tools
412 | iodine                                   <|  -> Networking applications
413 | iostat                                   <|  -> Hardware handling
414 | iotop                                    <|  -> System tools
415 | iozone                                   <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
416 | iperf                                    <|  -> Networking applications
417 | iperf3                                   <|  -> Networking applications
418 | ipkg                                     <|  -> Package managers
419 | ipmitool                                 <|  -> Hardware handling
420 | ipmiutil                                 <|  -> Hardware handling
421 | iproute2                                 <|  -> Networking applications
422 | iprutils                                 <|  -> System tools
423 | ipsec-tools                              <|  -> Networking applications
424 | ipset                                    <|  -> Networking applications
425 | iptables                                 <|  -> Networking applications
426 | iptraf-ng                                <|  -> Networking applications
427 | iputils                                  <|  -> Networking applications
428 | irda-utils                               <|  -> Hardware handling
429 | irqbalance                               <|  -> System tools
430 | iucode-tool                              <|  -> Hardware handling
431 | iw                                       <|  -> Networking applications
432 | jack2                                    <|  -> Audio and video applications
433 | jamvm                                    <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting
434 | jansson                                  <|  -> Libraries -> JSON/XML
435 | janus-gateway                            <|  -> Networking applications
436 | jasper                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
437 | jhead                                    <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
438 | jimtcl                                   <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting
439 | joe                                      <|  -> Text editors and viewers
440 | jpeg                                     <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics -> jpeg variant
441 | jpeg-turbo                               <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics -> jpeg variant
442 | jq                                       <|  -> Development tools
443 | jQuery                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Javascript
444 | jQuery keyboard                          <|  -> Libraries -> Javascript
445 | jQuery UI                                <|  -> Libraries -> Javascript
446 | jQuery UI themes                         <|  -> Libraries -> Javascript
447 | jquery-mobile                            <|  -> Libraries -> Javascript
448 | jQuery-Sparkline                         <|  -> Libraries -> Javascript
449 | jQuery-Validation                        <|  -> Libraries -> Javascript
450 | jsmin                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Javascript
451 | json-c                                   <|  -> Libraries -> JSON/XML
452 | json-glib                                <|  -> Libraries -> JSON/XML
453 | json-javascript                          <|  -> Libraries -> Javascript
454 | jsoncpp                                  <|  -> Libraries -> JSON/XML
455 | kbd                                      <|  -> Hardware handling
456 | kbproto                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 X protocols
457 | kexec                                    <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
458 | kexec-lite                               <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
459 | keyutils                                 <|  -> System tools
460 | kismet                                   <|  -> Networking applications
461 | kmod                                     <|  -> System tools
462 | knock                                    <|  -> Networking applications
463 | kobs-ng                                  <|  -> Filesystem and flash utilities
464 | kodi                                     <|  -> Audio and video applications
465 | kodi-addon-xvdr                          <|  -> Audio and video applications
466 | kodi-audioencoder-flac                   <|  -> Audio and video applications
467 | kodi-audioencoder-lame                   <|  -> Audio and video applications
468 | kodi-audioencoder-vorbis                 <|  -> Audio and video applications
469 | kodi-audioencoder-wav                    <|  -> Audio and video applications
470 | kodi-pvr-addons                          <|  -> Audio and video applications
471 | ktap                                     <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
472 | lame                                     <|  -> Audio and video applications
473 | latencytop                               <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
474 | lbase64                                  <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
475 | LBreakout2                               <|  -> Games
476 | lcdapi                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
477 | lcdproc                                  <|  -> Hardware handling
478 | lcms2                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
479 | leafnode2                                <|  -> Networking applications
480 | leafpad                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
481 | less                                     <|  -> Text editors and viewers
482 | lesstif                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
483 | leveldb                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Database
484 | lftp                                     <|  -> Networking applications
485 | libaio                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
486 | libao                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Audio/Sound
487 | libarchive                               <|  -> Libraries -> Compression and decompression
488 | libargtable2                             <|  -> Libraries -> Other
489 | libart                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
490 | libass                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Multimedia
491 | libassuan                                <|  -> Libraries -> Crypto
492 | libatasmart                              <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
493 | libatomic_ops                            <|  -> Libraries -> Other
494 | libbluray                                <|  -> Libraries -> Multimedia
495 | libbsd                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Other
496 | libcap                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Other
497 | libcap-ng                                <|  -> Libraries -> Other
498 | libcdaudio                               <|  -> Libraries -> Audio/Sound
499 | libcdio                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Audio/Sound
500 | libcec                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
501 | libcgi                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
502 | libcgicc                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
503 | libcgroup                                <|  -> Libraries -> Other
504 | libcli                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Text and terminal handling
505 | libcofi                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Other
506 | libconfig                                <|  -> Libraries -> Filesystem
507 | libconfuse                               <|  -> Libraries -> Filesystem
508 | libcue                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Audio/Sound
509 | libcuefile                               <|  -> Libraries -> Audio/Sound
510 | libcurl                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
511 | libdaemon                                <|  -> Libraries -> Other
512 | libdcadec                                <|  -> Libraries -> Multimedia
513 | libdmtx                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
514 | libdmx                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
515 | libdnet                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
516 | libdri2                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
517 | libdrm                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
518 | libdvbcsa                                <|  -> Libraries -> Multimedia
519 | libdvbsi                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Multimedia
520 | libdvdnav                                <|  -> Libraries -> Multimedia
521 | libdvdread                               <|  -> Libraries -> Multimedia
522 | libebml                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Multimedia
523 | libecore                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
524 | libedbus                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
525 | libedit                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Text and terminal handling
526 | libedje                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
527 | libee                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Other
528 | libeet                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
529 | libefreet                                <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
530 | libeina                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
531 | libeio                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
532 | libelementary                            <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
533 | libembryo                                <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
534 | libenca                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Text and terminal handling
535 | Liberation (Free fonts)                  <|  -> Fonts, icons, sounds and themes
536 | libesmtp                                 <|  -> Mail
537 | libestr                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Text and terminal handling
538 | libethumb                                <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
539 | libev                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Other
540 | libevas                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
541 | libevas generic loaders                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
542 | libevdev                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Other
543 | libevent                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Other
544 | libexif                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
545 | libeXosip2                               <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
546 | libfcgi                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
547 | libffi                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Other
548 | libfontenc                               <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
549 | libfreefare                              <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
550 | libfreeimage                             <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
551 | libfribidi                               <|  -> Libraries -> Text and terminal handling
552 | libFS                                    <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
553 | libfslcodec                              <|  -> Libraries -> Multimedia
554 | libfslparser                             <|  -> Libraries -> Multimedia
555 | libfslvpuwrap                            <|  -> Libraries -> Multimedia
556 | libftdi                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
557 | libftdi1                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
558 | libfuse                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Filesystem
559 | libgail                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
560 | libgcrypt                                <|  -> Libraries -> Crypto
561 | libgeotiff                               <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
562 | libglade                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
563 | libglew                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
564 | libglib2                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Other
565 | libglu                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
566 | libgpg-error                             <|  -> Libraries -> Crypto
567 | libgpgme                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Crypto
568 | libgsasl                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
569 | libgtk2                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
570 | libgtk3                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
571 | libhid                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
572 | libical                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Other
573 | libICE                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
574 | libiconv                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Text and terminal handling
575 | libid3tag                                <|  -> Libraries -> Audio/Sound
576 | libidn                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
577 | libiio                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
578 | libinput                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
579 | libiqrf                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
580 | libiscsi                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
581 | libjson                                  <|  -> Libraries -> JSON/XML
582 | libksba                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Crypto
583 | liblinear                                <|  -> Libraries -> Other
584 | libllcp                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
585 | liblo                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Audio/Sound
586 | liblockfile                              <|  -> Libraries -> Filesystem
587 | liblog4c-localtime                       <|  -> Libraries -> Logging
588 | liblogging                               <|  -> Libraries -> Logging
589 | libmad                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Audio/Sound
590 | libmatroska                              <|  -> Libraries -> Multimedia
591 | libmbim                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
592 | libmbus                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
593 | libmcrypt                                <|  -> Libraries -> Crypto
594 | libmemcached                             <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
595 | libmhash                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Crypto
596 | libmicrohttpd                            <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
597 | libmms                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Multimedia
598 | libmnl                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
599 | libmodbus                                <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
600 | libmodplug                               <|  -> Libraries -> Audio/Sound
601 | libmpd                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Audio/Sound
602 | libmpdclient                             <|  -> Libraries -> Audio/Sound
603 | libmpeg2                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Multimedia
604 | libndp                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
605 | libneon                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
606 | libnetfilter_acct                        <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
607 | libnetfilter_conntrack                   <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
608 | libnetfilter_cthelper                    <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
609 | libnetfilter_cttimeout                   <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
610 | libnetfilter_log                         <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
611 | libnetfilter_queue                       <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
612 | libnfc                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
613 | libnfnetlink                             <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
614 | libnfs                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Filesystem
615 | libnftnl                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
616 | libnice                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
617 | libnl                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
618 | libnspr                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Other
619 | libnss                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Crypto
620 | liboauth                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
621 | libogg                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Multimedia
622 | liboping                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
623 | libosip2                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
624 | libpcap                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
625 | libpciaccess                             <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
626 | libpfm4                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Other
627 | libphidget                               <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
628 | libplayer                                <|  -> Libraries -> Multimedia
629 | libplist                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Other
630 | libpng                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
631 | libpthread-stubs                         <|  -> Libraries -> Other
632 | libpthsem                                <|  -> Libraries -> Other
633 | libqmi                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
634 | libqrencode                              <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
635 | libraw                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
636 | libraw1394                               <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
637 | libreplaygain                            <|  -> Libraries -> Audio/Sound
638 | librsvg                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
639 | librsync                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
640 | librtlsdr                                <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
641 | librtmp                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
642 | libsamplerate                            <|  -> Libraries -> Audio/Sound
643 | libseccomp                               <|  -> Libraries -> Other
644 | libsecret                                <|  -> Libraries -> Crypto
645 | libselinux                               <|  -> Libraries -> Security
646 | libsemanage                              <|  -> Libraries -> Security
647 | libsepol                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Security
648 | libserial                                <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
649 | libserialport                            <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
650 | libsexy                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
651 | libsha1                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Crypto
652 | libshairplay                             <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
653 | libshout                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
654 | libsidplay2                              <|  -> Libraries -> Audio/Sound
655 | libsigc++                                <|  -> Libraries -> Other
656 | libsigrok                                <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
657 | libsigrokdecode                          <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
658 | libsigsegv                               <|  -> Libraries -> Other
659 | libSM                                    <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
660 | libsndfile                               <|  -> Libraries -> Audio/Sound
661 | libsoc                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
662 | libsocketcan                             <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
663 | libsoup                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
664 | libsoxr                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Audio/Sound
665 | libsrtp                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
666 | libssh2                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Crypto
667 | libstrophe                               <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
668 | libsvg                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
669 | libsvg-cairo                             <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
670 | libsvgtiny                               <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
671 | libsysfs                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Filesystem
672 | libtasn1                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Other
673 | libtheora                                <|  -> Libraries -> Multimedia
674 | libtirpc                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
675 | libtool                                  <|  -> Development tools
676 | libtorrent                               <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
677 | libtpl                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Other
678 | libubox                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Other
679 | libuci                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Other
680 | libungif *(deprecated)*                  <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
681 | libunistring                             <|  -> Libraries -> Text and terminal handling
682 | libunwind                                <|  -> Libraries -> Other
683 | libupnp                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
684 | libupnpp                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
685 | liburcu                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Other
686 | liburiparser                             <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
687 | libusb                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
688 | libusb-compat                            <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
689 | libuv                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Other
690 | libv4l                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
691 | libva                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
692 | libva-intel-driver                       <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
693 | libvips                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
694 | libvncserver                             <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
695 | libvorbis                                <|  -> Libraries -> Audio/Sound
696 | libvpx                                   <|  -> Audio and video applications
697 | libwebsock                               <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
698 | libwebsockets                            <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
699 | libX11                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
700 | libXau                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
701 | libXaw                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
702 | libxcb                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
703 | libXcomposite                            <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
704 | libXcursor                               <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
705 | libXdamage                               <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
706 | libXdmcp                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
707 | libXext                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
708 | libXfixes                                <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
709 | libXfont                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
710 | libXft                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
711 | libXi                                    <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
712 | libXinerama                              <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
713 | libxkbcommon                             <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
714 | libxkbfile                               <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
715 | libxml++                                 <|  -> Libraries -> JSON/XML
716 | libxml2                                  <|  -> Libraries -> JSON/XML
717 | libxmlrpc                                <|  -> Libraries -> JSON/XML
718 | libXmu                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
719 | libXpm                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
720 | libXrandr                                <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
721 | libXrender                               <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
722 | libXres                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
723 | libXScrnSaver                            <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
724 | libxshmfence                             <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
725 | libxslt                                  <|  -> Libraries -> JSON/XML
726 | libXt                                    <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
727 | libXtst                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
728 | libXv                                    <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
729 | libXvMC                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
730 | libXxf86dga                              <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
731 | libXxf86vm                               <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
732 | libyaml                                  <|  -> Libraries -> JSON/XML
733 | libz160                                  <|  -> Hardware handling
734 | libzip                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Compression and decompression
735 | lightning                                <|  -> Libraries -> Other
736 | lighttpd                                 <|  -> Networking applications
737 | linenoise                                <|  -> Libraries -> Text and terminal handling
738 | linknx                                   <|  -> Networking applications
739 | links                                    <|  -> Networking applications
740 | linphone                                 <|  -> Networking applications
741 | linux-firmware                           <|  -> Hardware handling -> Firmware
742 | linux-fusion communication layer for DirectFB multi <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
743 | linux-pam                                <|  -> Libraries -> Other
744 | linux-zigbee                             <|  -> Networking applications
745 | lirc-tools                               <|  -> Hardware handling
746 | listres                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
747 | LiTE (toolbox engine)                    <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
748 | live555                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Multimedia
749 | ljlinenoise                              <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
750 | ljsyscall                                <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
751 | lm-sensors                               <|  -> Hardware handling
752 | lmbench                                  <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
753 | lockdev                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Filesystem
754 | lockfile programs                        <|  -> Shell and utilities
755 | log4cplus                                <|  -> Libraries -> Logging
756 | log4cxx                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Logging
757 | logrotate                                <|  -> Shell and utilities
758 | logsurfer                                <|  -> Shell and utilities
759 | lpeg                                     <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
760 | lpty                                     <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
761 | lrandom                                  <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
762 | lrzsz                                    <|  -> Networking applications
763 | lshw                                     <|  -> Hardware handling
764 | lsof                                     <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
765 | lsqlite3                                 <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
766 | lsuio                                    <|  -> Hardware handling
767 | ltp-testsuite                            <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
768 | ltrace                                   <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
769 | LTris                                    <|  -> Games
770 | lttng-babeltrace                         <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
771 | lttng-libust                             <|  -> Libraries -> Other
772 | lttng-modules                            <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
773 | lttng-tools                              <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
774 | lua                                      <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting
775 | lua-cjson                                <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
776 | lua-coat                                 <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
777 | lua-coatpersistent                       <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
778 | lua-csnappy                              <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
779 | lua-ev                                   <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
780 | lua-messagepack                          <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
781 | lua-msgpack-native                       <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
782 | lua-periphery                            <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
783 | lua-testmore                             <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
784 | luabitop                                 <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
785 | luacrypto                                <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
786 | luaexpat                                 <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
787 | luaexpatutils                            <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
788 | luafilesystem                            <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
789 | luajit                                   <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting
790 | luajson                                  <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
791 | lualogging                               <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
792 | luaposix                                 <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
793 | luasec                                   <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
794 | luasocket                                <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
795 | luasql-sqlite3                           <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
796 | luit                                     <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
797 | lunit                                    <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
798 | lvm2 & device mapper                     <|  -> Hardware handling
799 | lxc                                      <|  -> System tools
800 | lz4                                      <|  -> Compressors and decompressors
801 | lzip                                     <|  -> Compressors and decompressors
802 | lzlib                                    <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
803 | lzo                                      <|  -> Libraries -> Compression and decompression
804 | lzop                                     <|  -> Compressors and decompressors
805 | macchanger                               <|  -> Networking applications
806 | madplay                                  <|  -> Audio and video applications
807 | make                                     <|  -> Development tools
808 | makedepend                               <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Utilities
809 | makedevs                                 <|  -> Filesystem and flash utilities
810 | Matchbox Desktop                         <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
811 | Matchbox Panel                           <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
812 | Matchbox session common files            <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
813 | Matchbox Virtual Keyboard                <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
814 | MatchBox Window Manager                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
815 | mc                                       <|  -> Text editors and viewers
816 | mcelog                                   <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
817 | mcookie                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Utilities
818 | mcrypt                                   <|  -> Miscellaneous
819 | mdadm                                    <|  -> Hardware handling
820 | media-ctl                                <|  -> Hardware handling
821 | mediastreamer                            <|  -> Libraries -> Multimedia
822 | memcached                                <|  -> Networking applications
823 | memstat                                  <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
824 | memtest86                                <|  -> Hardware handling
825 | memtester                                <|  -> Hardware handling
826 | mesa3d                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
827 | mesa3d-demos                             <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
828 | metacity                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
829 | midori                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
830 | mii-diag                                 <|  -> Networking applications
831 | Mini-XML                                 <|  -> Libraries -> JSON/XML
832 | minicom                                  <|  -> Hardware handling
833 | minidlna                                 <|  -> Networking applications
834 | mjpegtools                               <|  -> Audio and video applications
835 | mjpg-streamer                            <|  -> Networking applications
836 | mkfontdir                                <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
837 | mkfontscale                              <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
838 | mmc-utils                                <|  -> Filesystem and flash utilities
839 | mobile-broadband-provider-info           <|  -> Miscellaneous
840 | modemmanager                             <|  -> Networking applications
841 | modplugtools                             <|  -> Audio and video applications
842 | mongoose                                 <|  -> Networking applications
843 | mongrel2                                 <|  -> Networking applications
844 | monit                                    <|  -> System tools
845 | mono                                     <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting
846 | mosquitto                                <|  -> Networking applications
847 | mp4v2                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Audio/Sound
848 | mpc                                      <|  -> Libraries -> Other
849 | mpd                                      <|  -> Audio and video applications
850 | mpd-mpc                                  <|  -> Audio and video applications
851 | mpdecimal                                <|  -> Libraries -> Other
852 | mpfr                                     <|  -> Libraries -> Other
853 | mpg123                                   <|  -> Audio and video applications
854 | mplayer                                  <|  -> Audio and video applications
855 | mrouted                                  <|  -> Networking applications
856 | msgpack                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Other
857 | msmtp                                    <|  -> Mail
858 | mtd, jffs2 and ubi/ubifs tools           <|  -> Filesystem and flash utilities
859 | mtdev                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
860 | mtdev2tuio                               <|  -> Libraries -> Other
861 | mtools                                   <|  -> Filesystem and flash utilities
862 | mtr                                      <|  -> Networking applications
863 | Multimedia Module                        <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
864 | musepack                                 <|  -> Audio and video applications
865 | mutt                                     <|  -> Mail
866 | MySQL                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Database
867 | nano                                     <|  -> Text editors and viewers
868 | nanocom                                  <|  -> Hardware handling
869 | nbd                                      <|  -> Networking applications
870 | ncdu                                     <|  -> System tools
871 | ncftp                                    <|  -> Networking applications
872 | ncmpc                                    <|  -> Audio and video applications
873 | ncurses                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Text and terminal handling
874 | ndisc6 tools                             <|  -> Networking applications
875 | ne10                                     <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
876 | neard                                    <|  -> Hardware handling
877 | neardal                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
878 | net-tools                                <|  -> Networking applications
879 | netatalk                                 <|  -> Networking applications
880 | netcat                                   <|  -> Networking applications
881 | netcat-openbsd                           <|  -> Networking applications
882 | netperf                                  <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
883 | netplug                                  <|  -> Networking applications
884 | netsnmp                                  <|  -> Networking applications
885 | netstat-nat                              <|  -> Networking applications
886 | nettle                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Crypto
887 | networkmanager                           <|  -> Networking applications
888 | newt                                     <|  -> Libraries -> Text and terminal handling
889 | nfacct                                   <|  -> Networking applications
890 | nfs-utils                                <|  -> Filesystem and flash utilities
891 | nftables                                 <|  -> Networking applications
892 | nginx                                    <|  -> Networking applications
893 | ngircd                                   <|  -> Networking applications
894 | ngrep                                    <|  -> Networking applications
895 | nmap                                     <|  -> Networking applications
896 | nodejs                                   <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting
897 | noip                                     <|  -> Networking applications
898 | nss-mdns                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
899 | ntfs-3g                                  <|  -> Filesystem and flash utilities
900 | ntp                                      <|  -> Networking applications
901 | numactl                                  <|  -> System tools
902 | nut                                      <|  -> System tools
903 | nuttcp                                   <|  -> Networking applications
904 | nvidia-driver                            <|  -> Hardware handling
905 | nvidia-tegra23                           <|  -> Hardware handling
906 | nvidia-tegra23 binaries                  <|  -> Hardware handling
907 | nvidia-tegra23 codecs                    <|  -> Hardware handling
908 | ocf-linux                                <|  -> Libraries -> Crypto -> cryptodev variant
909 | oclock                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
910 | ocrad                                    <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
911 | odhcp6c                                  <|  -> Networking applications
912 | odhcploc                                 <|  -> Networking applications
913 | ofono                                    <|  -> Hardware handling
914 | ola (open lighting architecture)         <|  -> Hardware handling
915 | olsrd                                    <|  -> Networking applications
916 | omniorb                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
917 | on2-8170-libs                            <|  -> Audio and video applications
918 | on2-8170-modules                         <|  -> Hardware handling
919 | open-plc-utils                           <|  -> Networking applications
920 | open2300                                 <|  -> Hardware handling
921 | opencore-amr                             <|  -> Libraries -> Audio/Sound
922 | opencv                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
923 | openjpeg                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
924 | openldap                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
925 | openntpd                                 <|  -> Networking applications
926 | openobex                                 <|  -> Networking applications
927 | openocd                                  <|  -> Hardware handling
928 | openpgm                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
929 | openpowerlink                            <|  -> Hardware handling
930 | openssh                                  <|  -> Networking applications
931 | openssl                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Crypto
932 | openswan                                 <|  -> Networking applications
933 | OpenTyrian                               <|  -> Games
934 | OpenTyrian data                          <|  -> Games
935 | openvmtools                              <|  -> System tools
936 | openvpn                                  <|  -> Networking applications
937 | opkg                                     <|  -> Package managers
938 | oprofile                                 <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
939 | opus                                     <|  -> Libraries -> Audio/Sound
940 | opus-tools                               <|  -> Audio and video applications
941 | opusfile                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Audio/Sound
942 | orbit                                    <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
943 | orc                                      <|  -> Libraries -> Other
944 | oRTP                                     <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
945 | owl-linux                                <|  -> Hardware handling
946 | p11-kit                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Other
947 | p910nd                                   <|  -> Networking applications
948 | pango                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
949 | parted                                   <|  -> Hardware handling
950 | patch                                    <|  -> Development tools
951 | pax-utils                                <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
952 | pciutils                                 <|  -> Hardware handling
953 | pcmanfm                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
954 | pcre                                     <|  -> Libraries -> Text and terminal handling
955 | pcsc-lite                                <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
956 | perf                                     <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
957 | perl                                     <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting
958 | perl-crypt-openssl-random                <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
959 | perl-crypt-openssl-rsa                   <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
960 | perl-datetime-tiny                       <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
961 | perl-db-file                             <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
962 | perl-digest-hmac                         <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
963 | perl-digest-sha1                         <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
964 | perl-encode-detect                       <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
965 | perl-encode-locale                       <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
966 | perl-file-listing                        <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
967 | perl-file-util                           <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
968 | perl-gd                                  <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
969 | perl-gdgraph                             <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
970 | perl-gdtextutil                          <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
971 | perl-html-parser                         <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
972 | perl-html-tagset                         <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
973 | perl-http-cookies                        <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
974 | perl-http-daemon                         <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
975 | perl-http-date                           <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
976 | perl-http-message                        <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
977 | perl-http-negotiate                      <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
978 | perl-io-html                             <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
979 | perl-io-socket-ssl                       <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
980 | perl-json-tiny                           <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
981 | perl-libwww-perl                         <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
982 | perl-lwp-mediatypes                      <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
983 | perl-mail-dkim                           <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
984 | perl-mailtools                           <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
985 | perl-mime-base64                         <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
986 | perl-mojolicious                         <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
987 | perl-net-dns                             <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
988 | perl-net-http                            <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
989 | perl-net-ssleay                          <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
990 | perl-netaddr-ip                          <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
991 | perl-path-tiny                           <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
992 | perl-time-hires                          <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
993 | perl-timedate                            <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
994 | perl-try-tiny                            <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
995 | perl-uri                                 <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
996 | perl-www-robotrules                      <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
997 | perl-xml-libxml                          <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
998 | perl-xml-namespacesupport                <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
999 | perl-xml-sax                             <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
1000 | perl-xml-sax-base                        <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Perl libraries/modules
1001 | phidgetwebservice                        <|  -> Networking applications
1002 | php                                      <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting
1003 | php-geoip                                <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> External php extensions
1004 | php-gnupg                                <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> External php extensions
1005 | php-imagick                              <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> External php extensions
1006 | php-memcached                            <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> External php extensions
1007 | php-ssh2                                 <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> External php extensions
1008 | php-yaml                                 <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> External php extensions
1009 | php-zmq                                  <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> External php extensions
1010 | picocom                                  <|  -> Hardware handling
1011 | pifmrds                                  <|  -> Hardware handling
1012 | pinentry                                 <|  -> Shell and utilities
1013 | pixman                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
1014 | pkgconf                                  <|  -> Development tools
1015 | poco                                     <|  -> Libraries -> Other
1016 | polarssl                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Crypto
1017 | polkit                                   <|  -> System tools
1018 | poppler                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
1019 | popt                                     <|  -> Libraries -> Text and terminal handling
1020 | portaudio                                <|  -> Libraries -> Audio/Sound
1021 | portmap                                  <|  -> Networking applications
1022 | postgresql                               <|  -> Libraries -> Database
1023 | powerpc-utils                            <|  -> System tools
1024 | powertop                                 <|  -> Hardware handling
1025 | pppd                                     <|  -> Networking applications
1026 | pps-tools                                <|  -> Hardware handling
1027 | pptp-linux                               <|  -> Networking applications
1028 | prboom                                   <|  -> Games
1029 | presentproto                             <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 X protocols
1030 | procps-ng                                <|  -> System tools
1031 | proftpd                                  <|  -> Networking applications
1032 | protobuf                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Other
1033 | protobuf-c                               <|  -> Libraries -> Other
1034 | proxychains-ng                           <|  -> Networking applications
1035 | psmisc                                   <|  -> System tools
1036 | psplash                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1037 | ptpd                                     <|  -> Networking applications
1038 | ptpd2                                    <|  -> Networking applications
1039 | pulseaudio                               <|  -> Audio and video applications
1040 | pulseview                                <|  -> Hardware handling
1041 | pure-ftpd                                <|  -> Networking applications
1042 | pv                                       <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
1043 | pwgen                                    <|  -> System tools
1044 | python                                   <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting
1045 | python-alsaaudio                         <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1046 | python-bottle                            <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1047 | python-certifi                           <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1048 | python-cffi                              <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1049 | python-cheetah                           <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1050 | python-cherrypy                          <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1051 | python-coherence                         <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1052 | python-configobj                         <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1053 | python-configshell-fb                    <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1054 | python-crc16                             <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1055 | python-daemon                            <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1056 | python-dialog                            <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1057 | python-django                            <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1058 | python-docopt                            <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1059 | python-dpkt                              <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1060 | python-enum                              <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1061 | python-enum34                            <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1062 | python-flask                             <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1063 | python-flup                              <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1064 | python-gobject                           <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1065 | python-httplib2                          <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1066 | python-id3                               <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1067 | python-ipaddr                            <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1068 | python-ipy                               <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1069 | python-ipython                           <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1070 | python-itsdangerous                      <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1071 | python-jinja2                            <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1072 | python-json-schema-validator             <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1073 | python-keyring                           <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1074 | python-libconfig                         <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1075 | python-lxml                              <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1076 | python-mad                               <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1077 | python-mako                              <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1078 | python-markdown                          <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1079 | python-markupsafe                        <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1080 | python-meld3                             <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1081 | python-msgpack                           <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1082 | python-netifaces                         <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1083 | python-networkmanager                    <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1084 | python-nfc                               <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1085 | python-numpy                             <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1086 | python-pam                               <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1087 | python-posix-ipc                         <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1088 | python-protobuf                          <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1089 | python-psutil                            <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1090 | python-pyasn                             <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1091 | python-pycrypto                          <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1092 | python-pyftpdlib                         <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1093 | python-pygame                            <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1094 | python-pyinotify                         <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1095 | python-pyparsing                         <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1096 | python-pypcap                            <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1097 | python-pyqt                              <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1098 | python-pyro                              <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1099 | python-pysendfile                        <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1100 | python-pysnmp                            <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1101 | python-pysnmp-apps                       <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1102 | python-pysnmp-mibs                       <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1103 | python-pyusb                             <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1104 | python-pyxb                              <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1105 | python-pyzmq                             <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1106 | python-requests                          <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1107 | python-rtslib-fb                         <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1108 | python-serial                            <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1109 | python-setuptools                        <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1110 | python-simplejson                        <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1111 | python-sip                               <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1112 | python-six                               <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1113 | python-spidev                            <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1114 | python-thrift                            <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1115 | python-tornado                           <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1116 | python-twisted                           <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1117 | python-urwid                             <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1118 | python-versiontools                      <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1119 | python-webpy                             <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1120 | python-werkzeug                          <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1121 | python-ws4py                             <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1122 | python-zope-interface                    <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules
1123 | python3                                  <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting
1124 | qdecoder                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
1125 | QEMU                                     <|  -> Miscellaneous
1126 | qextserialport                           <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1127 | qhull                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Other
1128 | qjson                                    <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1129 | qlibc                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Other
1130 | qpdf                                     <|  -> Miscellaneous
1131 | Qt                                       <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1132 | qt-webkit-kiosk                          <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1133 | Qt5                                      <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1134 | qt5base                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1135 | qt5cinex                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1136 | qt5connectivity                          <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1137 | qt5declarative                           <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1138 | qt5enginio                               <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1139 | qt5graphicaleffects                      <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1140 | qt5imageformats                          <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1141 | qt5multimedia                            <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1142 | qt5quick1                                <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1143 | qt5quickcontrols                         <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1144 | qt5script                                <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1145 | qt5sensors                               <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1146 | qt5serialport                            <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1147 | qt5svg                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1148 | qt5webkit                                <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1149 | qt5webkit examples                       <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1150 | qt5websockets                            <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1151 | qt5x11extras                             <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1152 | qt5xmlpatterns                           <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1153 | qtuio                                    <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1154 | quagga                                   <|  -> Networking applications
1155 | quota                                    <|  -> System tools
1156 | qwt                                      <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1157 | radvd                                    <|  -> Networking applications
1158 | ramspeed                                 <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
1159 | ramspeed/smp                             <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
1160 | randrproto                               <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 X protocols
1161 | rapidjson                                <|  -> Libraries -> JSON/XML
1162 | rdesktop                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1163 | read-edid                                <|  -> Hardware handling
1164 | readline                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Text and terminal handling
1165 | recordproto                              <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 X protocols
1166 | redis                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Database
1167 | renderproto                              <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 X protocols
1168 | resourceproto                            <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 X protocols
1169 | rgb                                      <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1170 | rings                                    <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
1171 | rng-tools                                <|  -> Hardware handling
1172 | roxml                                    <|  -> Libraries -> JSON/XML
1173 | rp-pppoe                                 <|  -> Networking applications
1174 | rpcbind                                  <|  -> Networking applications
1175 | rpi-firmware                             <|  -> Hardware handling -> Firmware
1176 | rpi-userland                             <|  -> Hardware handling
1177 | rpm                                      <|  -> Package managers
1178 | rrdtool                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1179 | rsh-redone                               <|  -> Networking applications
1180 | rstart                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1181 | rsync                                    <|  -> Networking applications
1182 | rsyslog                                  <|  -> System tools
1183 | rt-tests                                 <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
1184 | rtai                                     <|  -> Real-Time
1185 | rtorrent                                 <|  -> Networking applications
1186 | rtptools                                 <|  -> Networking applications
1187 | rubix                                    <|  -> Games
1188 | ruby                                     <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting
1189 | samba *(deprecated)*                     <|  -> Networking applications
1190 | samba4                                   <|  -> Networking applications
1191 | sane-backends                            <|  -> Hardware handling
1192 | SawMan (Window Manager)                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1193 | schifra                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Other
1194 | sconeserver                              <|  -> Networking applications
1195 | screen                                   <|  -> Shell and utilities
1196 | Script Module                            <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1197 | scripts                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1198 | scrnsaverproto                           <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 X protocols
1199 | SDL                                      <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1200 | SDL_gfx                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1201 | SDL_image                                <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1202 | SDL_mixer                                <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1203 | SDL_net                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1204 | SDL_sound                                <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1205 | SDL_TTF                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1206 | sdparm                                   <|  -> Hardware handling
1207 | sed                                      <|  -> Development tools
1208 | ser2net                                  <|  -> Networking applications
1209 | sessreg                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1210 | setserial                                <|  -> Hardware handling
1211 | setxkbmap                                <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1212 | sg3-utils                                <|  -> Hardware handling
1213 | shairport-sync                           <|  -> Networking applications
1214 | shared-mime-info                         <|  -> Miscellaneous
1215 | shareware Doom WAD file                  <|  -> Games
1216 | showfont                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1217 | sigrok-cli                               <|  -> Hardware handling
1218 | simicsfs                                 <|  -> Filesystem and flash utilities
1219 | sispmctl                                 <|  -> Hardware handling
1220 | sl                                       <|  -> Games
1221 | slang                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Text and terminal handling
1222 | slirp                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
1223 | smack                                    <|  -> System tools
1224 | smartmontools                            <|  -> Hardware handling
1225 | smcroute                                 <|  -> Networking applications
1226 | smproxy                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1227 | smstools3                                <|  -> Hardware handling
1228 | snappy                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Compression and decompression
1229 | snmp++                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
1230 | snowball-hdmiservice                     <|  -> Hardware handling
1231 | snowball-init                            <|  -> Miscellaneous
1232 | socat                                    <|  -> Networking applications
1233 | socketcand                               <|  -> Networking applications
1234 | sofia-sip                                <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
1235 | softether                                <|  -> Networking applications
1236 | sound-theme-borealis                     <|  -> Fonts, icons, sounds and themes
1237 | sound-theme-freedesktop                  <|  -> Fonts, icons, sounds and themes
1238 | sox                                      <|  -> Audio and video applications
1239 | spawn-fcgi                               <|  -> Networking applications
1240 | speex                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Audio/Sound
1241 | spice protocol                           <|  -> Networking applications
1242 | spice server                             <|  -> Networking applications
1243 | spidev_test                              <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
1244 | sqlcipher                                <|  -> Libraries -> Database
1245 | sqlite                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Database
1246 | squashfs                                 <|  -> Filesystem and flash utilities
1247 | squid                                    <|  -> Networking applications
1248 | sredird                                  <|  -> Hardware handling
1249 | sshfs (FUSE)                             <|  -> Filesystem and flash utilities
1250 | sshpass                                  <|  -> Networking applications
1251 | sstrip                                   <|  -> Development tools
1252 | start-stop-daemon                        <|  -> System tools
1253 | startup-notification                     <|  -> Libraries -> Other
1254 | statserial                               <|  -> Hardware handling
1255 | strace                                   <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
1256 | stress                                   <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
1257 | strongswan                               <|  -> Networking applications
1258 | stunnel                                  <|  -> Networking applications
1259 | subversion                               <|  -> Development tools
1260 | sudo                                     <|  -> Shell and utilities
1261 | sunxi nand-part                          <|  -> Filesystem and flash utilities
1262 | sunxi script.bin board file              <|  -> Hardware handling -> Firmware
1263 | sunxi-cedarx                             <|  -> Hardware handling
1264 | sunxi-mali                               <|  -> Hardware handling
1265 | supervisor                               <|  -> System tools
1266 | SVG Module                               <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1267 | sylpheed                                 <|  -> Mail
1268 | synergy                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1269 | sysdig                                   <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
1270 | syslogd & klogd                          <|  -> System tools
1271 | sysprof                                  <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
1272 | sysstat                                  <|  -> Hardware handling
1273 | systemd                                  <|  -> System tools
1274 | sysvinit                                 <|  -> System tools
1275 | szip                                     <|  -> Libraries -> Compression and decompression
1276 | taglib                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Audio/Sound
1277 | tar                                      <|  -> Development tools
1278 | targetcli-fb                             <|  -> Hardware handling
1279 | tcl                                      <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting
1280 | tclap                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Text and terminal handling
1281 | tcllib                                   <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> tcl libraries/modules
1282 | tcpdump                                  <|  -> Networking applications
1283 | tcping                                   <|  -> Networking applications
1284 | tcpreplay                                <|  -> Networking applications
1285 | tftpd                                    <|  -> Networking applications
1286 | thrift                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
1287 | thttpd                                   <|  -> Networking applications
1288 | ti-gfx                                   <|  -> Hardware handling
1289 | ti-uim                                   <|  -> Hardware handling
1290 | ti-utils                                 <|  -> Hardware handling
1291 | tidsp-binaries                           <|  -> Audio and video applications
1292 | tiff                                     <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
1293 | time                                     <|  -> Shell and utilities
1294 | tinc                                     <|  -> Networking applications
1295 | tinyalsa                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Audio/Sound
1296 | tinyhttpd                                <|  -> Networking applications
1297 | tinymembench                             <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
1298 | tinyxml                                  <|  -> Libraries -> JSON/XML
1299 | tinyxml2                                 <|  -> Libraries -> JSON/XML
1300 | tmux                                     <|  -> Shell and utilities
1301 | tn5250                                   <|  -> Networking applications
1302 | tor                                      <|  -> Networking applications
1303 | torsmo                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1304 | tovid                                    <|  -> Audio and video applications
1305 | trace-cmd                                <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
1306 | transmission                             <|  -> Networking applications
1307 | tree                                     <|  -> Development tools
1308 | tremor (fixed point vorbis decoder)      <|  -> Libraries -> Audio/Sound
1309 | triggerhappy                             <|  -> Hardware handling
1310 | trinity                                  <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
1311 | tslib                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
1312 | tstools                                  <|  -> Audio and video applications
1313 | tvheadend                                <|  -> Networking applications
1314 | twm                                      <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1315 | twolame                                  <|  -> Audio and video applications
1316 | u-boot tools                             <|  -> Hardware handling
1317 | udisks                                   <|  -> Hardware handling
1318 | udpcast                                  <|  -> Networking applications
1319 | uemacs                                   <|  -> Text editors and viewers
1320 | ulogd                                    <|  -> Networking applications
1321 | unionfs (FUSE)                           <|  -> Filesystem and flash utilities
1322 | unixodbc                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Database
1323 | upmpdcli                                 <|  -> Audio and video applications
1324 | urg                                      <|  -> Libraries -> Hardware handling
1325 | usb_modeswitch                           <|  -> Hardware handling
1326 | usb_modeswitch_data                      <|  -> Hardware handling
1327 | usbmount                                 <|  -> Hardware handling
1328 | usbredir                                 <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
1329 | usbutils                                 <|  -> Hardware handling
1330 | ushare                                   <|  -> Networking applications
1331 | ussp-push                                <|  -> Networking applications
1332 | ustr                                     <|  -> Libraries -> Text and terminal handling
1333 | util-linux                               <|  -> System tools
1334 | util-macros                              <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Utilities
1335 | ux500-firmware                           <|  -> Hardware handling -> Firmware
1336 | valgrind                                 <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
1337 | vde2                                     <|  -> Networking applications
1338 | videoproto                               <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 X protocols
1339 | viewres                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1340 | vim                                      <|  -> Text editors and viewers
1341 | vlc                                      <|  -> Audio and video applications
1342 | vnstat                                   <|  -> Networking applications
1343 | vo-aacenc                                <|  -> Libraries -> Audio/Sound
1344 | vorbis-tools                             <|  -> Audio and video applications
1345 | vpnc                                     <|  -> Networking applications
1346 | vsftpd                                   <|  -> Networking applications
1347 | vtun                                     <|  -> Networking applications
1348 | w_scan                                   <|  -> Hardware handling
1349 | wavpack                                  <|  -> Audio and video applications
1350 | wayland                                  <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
1351 | webkit                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
1352 | WebKit Module                            <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1353 | webp                                     <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
1354 | webrtc-audio-processing                  <|  -> Libraries -> Audio/Sound
1355 | weston                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1356 | wf111                                    <|  -> Hardware handling
1357 | wget                                     <|  -> Networking applications
1358 | whetstone                                <|  -> Debugging, profiling and benchmark
1359 | which                                    <|  -> Shell and utilities
1360 | whois                                    <|  -> Networking applications
1361 | windowswmproto                           <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 X protocols
1362 | wine                                     <|  -> Miscellaneous
1363 | wipe                                     <|  -> Hardware handling
1364 | wireless tools                           <|  -> Networking applications
1365 | wireless-regdb                           <|  -> Networking applications
1366 | wireshark                                <|  -> Networking applications
1367 | wmctrl                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1368 | wpa_supplicant                           <|  -> Networking applications
1369 | wsapi                                    <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
1370 | wvdial                                   <|  -> Networking applications
1371 | wvstreams                                <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
1372 | x11perf                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1373 | x11vnc                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1374 | x264                                     <|  -> Libraries -> Multimedia
1375 | xauth                                    <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1376 | xavante                                  <|  -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Lua libraries/modules
1377 | xbacklight                               <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1378 | xbiff                                    <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1379 | xbitmaps                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Other data
1380 | xcalc                                    <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1381 | xcb-proto                                <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 X protocols
1382 | xcb-util                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
1383 | xcb-util-cursor                          <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
1384 | xcb-util-image                           <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
1385 | xcb-util-keysyms                         <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
1386 | xcb-util-renderutil                      <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
1387 | xcb-util-wm                              <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
1388 | xclipboard                               <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1389 | xclock                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1390 | xcmiscproto                              <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 X protocols
1391 | xcmsdb                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1392 | xcompmgr                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1393 | xconsole                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1394 | xcursor-transparent-theme                <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Other data
1395 | xcursorgen                               <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1396 | xdata_xcursor-themes                     <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Other data
1397 | xdbedizzy                                <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1398 | xditview                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1399 | xdm                                      <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1400 | xdpyinfo                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1401 | xdriinfo                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1402 | xedit                                    <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1403 | Xenomai Userspace                        <|  -> Real-Time
1404 | xerces-c++                               <|  -> Libraries -> JSON/XML
1405 | xev                                      <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1406 | xextproto                                <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 X protocols
1407 | xeyes                                    <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1408 | xf86-input-evdev                         <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1409 | xf86-input-joystick                      <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1410 | xf86-input-keyboard                      <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1411 | xf86-input-libinput                      <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1412 | xf86-input-mouse                         <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1413 | xf86-input-synaptics                     <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1414 | xf86-input-tslib                         <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1415 | xf86-input-vmmouse                       <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1416 | xf86-input-void *(deprecated)*           <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1417 | xf86-video-ark                           <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1418 | xf86-video-ast                           <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1419 | xf86-video-ati                           <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1420 | xf86-video-cirrus                        <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1421 | xf86-video-dummy                         <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1422 | xf86-video-fbdev                         <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1423 | xf86-video-geode                         <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1424 | xf86-video-glide                         <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1425 | xf86-video-glint                         <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1426 | xf86-video-i128                          <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1427 | xf86-video-imx                           <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1428 | xf86-video-imx-viv                       <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1429 | xf86-video-intel                         <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1430 | xf86-video-mach64                        <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1431 | xf86-video-mga                           <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1432 | xf86-video-neomagic                      <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1433 | xf86-video-nv                            <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1434 | xf86-video-openchrome                    <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1435 | xf86-video-r128                          <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1436 | xf86-video-savage                        <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1437 | xf86-video-siliconmotion                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1438 | xf86-video-sis                           <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1439 | xf86-video-tdfx                          <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1440 | xf86-video-tga                           <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1441 | xf86-video-trident                       <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1442 | xf86-video-v4l                           <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1443 | xf86-video-vesa                          <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1444 | xf86-video-vmware                        <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1445 | xf86-video-voodoo                        <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1446 | xf86-video-wsfb                          <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Drivers
1447 | xf86bigfontproto                         <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 X protocols
1448 | xf86dga                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1449 | xf86dgaproto                             <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 X protocols
1450 | xf86driproto                             <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 X protocols
1451 | xf86vidmodeproto                         <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 X protocols
1452 | xfd                                      <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1453 | xfindproxy                               <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1454 | xfontsel                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1455 | xfs                                      <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1456 | xfsinfo                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1457 | xfsprogs                                 <|  -> Filesystem and flash utilities
1458 | xgamma                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1459 | xgc                                      <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1460 | xhost                                    <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1461 | xineramaproto                            <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 X protocols
1462 | xinetd                                   <|  -> Networking applications
1463 | xinit                                    <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1464 | xinput                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1465 | xinput-calibrator                        <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1466 | xkbcomp                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1467 | xkbevd                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1468 | xkbprint                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1469 | xkbutils                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1470 | xkeyboard-config                         <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1471 | xkill                                    <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1472 | xl2tp                                    <|  -> Networking applications
1473 | xload                                    <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1474 | xlogo                                    <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1475 | xlsatoms                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1476 | xlsclients                               <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1477 | xlsfonts                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1478 | xmag                                     <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1479 | xman                                     <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1480 | xmessage                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1481 | xmh                                      <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1482 | XML Patterns Module                      <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1483 | xmlstarlet                               <|  -> Shell and utilities
1484 | xmodmap                                  <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1485 | xmore                                    <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1486 | xorg-server                              <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Servers
1487 | xorriso                                  <|  -> Hardware handling
1488 | xpr                                      <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1489 | xprop                                    <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1490 | xproto                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 X protocols
1491 | xproxymanagementprotocol                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 X protocols
1492 | xrandr                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1493 | xrdb                                     <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1494 | xrefresh                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1495 | xscreensaver                             <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1496 | xset                                     <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1497 | xsetmode                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1498 | xsetpointer                              <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1499 | xsetroot                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1500 | xsm                                      <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1501 | xstdcmap                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1502 | xtables-addons                           <|  -> Networking applications
1503 | xterm                                    <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1504 | xtrans                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Libraries
1505 | xvidtune                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1506 | xvinfo                                   <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1507 | xvkbd                                    <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)
1508 | xwd                                      <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1509 | xwininfo                                 <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1510 | xwud                                     <|  -> Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) -> X11R7 Applications
1511 | xz-utils                                 <|  -> Compressors and decompressors
1512 | yajl                                     <|  -> Libraries -> JSON/XML
1513 | yaml-cpp                                 <|  -> Libraries -> JSON/XML
1514 | yasm                                     <|  -> Development tools
1515 | yavta                                    <|  -> Audio and video applications
1516 | ympd                                     <|  -> Audio and video applications
1517 | zd1211-firmware                          <|  -> Hardware handling -> Firmware
1518 | zeromq                                   <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
1519 | zlib                                     <|  -> Libraries -> Compression and decompression
1520 | zlog                                     <|  -> Libraries -> Logging
1521 | zmqpp                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
1522 | znc                                      <|  -> Networking applications
1523 | zsh                                      <|  -> Shell and utilities
1524 | zxing                                    <|  -> Libraries -> Graphics
1525 | zyre                                     <|  -> Libraries -> Networking
1527 |===================================================