"This change pins the puppetlabs-puppet_agent module to v4.12.1. Previosuly the fixut...
[puppet-modules/puppetlabs-apt.git] / .pdkignore
1 .git/
2 .*.sw[op]
3 .metadata
4 .yardoc
5 .yardwarns
6 *.iml
7 /.bundle/
8 /.idea/
9 /.vagrant/
10 /coverage/
11 /bin/
12 /doc/
13 /Gemfile.local
14 /Gemfile.lock
15 /junit/
16 /log/
17 /pkg/
18 /spec/fixtures/manifests/
19 /spec/fixtures/modules/
20 /tmp/
21 /vendor/
22 /convert_report.txt
23 /update_report.txt
24 .DS_Store
25 .project
26 .envrc
27 /inventory.yaml
28 /spec/fixtures/litmus_inventory.yaml
29 /appveyor.yml
30 /.editorconfig
31 /.fixtures.yml
32 /Gemfile
33 /.gitattributes
34 /.gitignore
35 /.gitlab-ci.yml
36 /.pdkignore
37 /.puppet-lint.rc
38 /Rakefile
39 /rakelib/
40 /.rspec
41 /.rubocop.yml
42 /.travis.yml
43 /.yardopts
44 /spec/
45 /.vscode/
46 /.sync.yml
47 /.devcontainer/